Regional Forums

NCD Regional Forum Series Banner - "Live, Learn, Earn"

At its National Summit on Disability Policy 2010, July 26-28, 2010, NCD announced its intent to host regional forums across the country each year in alignment with the topics within the theme Living, Learning, & Earning used at the national summit. NCD's goals for each of the forums are to:

  • Identify emerging opportunities to enhance the way people with disabilities live, learn, or earn (each forum will focus on a single aspect);
  • Establish new mechanisms, and build upon existing ones, to improve the coordination of disability policies, programs, and advocacy efforts; and
  • Energize collaborative networks to guide future disability policy directions.

Sites of Regional & National Forums to Date

NCD Regional Forums Locations.gif

To date, the Council has held or plans to hold a regional or national forum in the following locations:

Due to the limitation of space, these forums are by invitation only. However, representation of self-advocates, family members, community allies, State government representatives, non-profit organizations, providers, and federal government partners is a top priority. Information shared at the forums will be posted on the NCD website following each forum.

If you would like to provide suggestions or comments for consideration for upcoming forums, please send an email to

National Council on Disability • 1331 F Street, NW, Suite 850 • Washington, DC 20004