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Science Accelerator
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The Manhattan Project's 70th Anniversary

August 2012


The Manhattan Project, a predecessor of the U.S. Department of Energy, was established on August 13, 1942, with the goal of ending World War II. Read more about the Manhattan Project.



Back-to-School? Get ScienceLab!

August 2012


In addition to collections of DOE declassified documents, the newly redesigned OpenNet contains spotlights on declassified collections. This quarter the spotlight is on the Human Radiation Experiments collection. Read more about ScienceLab.



OpenNet gets a new look!

August 2012


In addition to collections of DOE declassified documents, the newly redesigned OpenNet contains spotlights on declassified collections. This quarter the spotlight is on the Human Radiation Experiments collection. Read more about OpenNet.


Keep current – sign up now!

August 2012

Science Accelerator

Did you know Science Accelerator has an Alerts service? Read more about Science Accelerator.





ETDEWEB World Energy Base

July 2012

ETDEWEB World Energy Base

Just in time for the summer heat, a refreshing new design and cool Popular Topics added to ETDEWEB World Energy Base! Read more about ETDEWEB World Energy Base.



DOE research videos available on ScienceCinema

July 2012



Scientific videos highlighting research and development (R&D) sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) are available on ScienceCinema. Read more about ScienceCinema.



Expand your horizons!

June 2012

Follow Us on twitter

Follow, and on Twitter. Read more about twitter.


OSTI on Facebook

June 2012

OSTI on Facebook

Visit the updated OSTI Facebook page with extensive timeline dating from 1946.  Read more about OSTI Facebook.




Technology Transfer at DOepatents

June 2012



See a list of resources related to technology transfer at DOepatents. Read more about DOepatents.


Refresh your Discovery

May 2012

Science Accelerator

Science Accelerator has a refreshed design to complement ongoing additions to its content. Read more about Science Accelerator.




Secretary Chu: Importance of Transparency

May 2012

Secretary Chu: Importance of Transparency


DOE policy statement on scientific integrity clearly made the connection between transparency and access (OSTI's role) and scientific integrity. Read more about OSTI and its Mission Highlighted in Secretary Chu's Policy Statement on Scientific Integrity.



DOE software available via OSTI

May 2012

Energy Science and Technology Software Center (ESTSC)


The Energy Science and Technology Software Center (ESTSC) is the centralized software management facility for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Read more about ESTSC.



Join the discussion

May 2012

OSTIblog Join the discussion


The OSTIblog is designed to help you find the research results and science information you need, and to understand why that is important. Read more about OSTIblog.



ScienceCinema one of six new DOE projects

April 2012

OpenGov, Transparency, Participation, Collaboration, ScienceCinema deemed a new OpenGov initiative


OSTI products figure prominently in DOE OpenGov plan 2.0 Read more about OSTI's ScienceCinema one of six new initiatives in DOE Open Government Plan 2.0.



Green Your Life: Green energy info for Earth Day and beyond

April 2012

DOE Green Energy


DOE Green Energy is your portal to green energy information from thousands of DOE-sponsored research and development projects. Read more about DOE Green Energy.



Ensuring access to DOE scientific and technical information

April 2012

Scientific and Technical Information Program


Collaborating to establish best methods for identifying, disseminating, and preserving scientific and technical information. Read more about Scientific and Technical Information Program.



Making Big Data findable

April 2012

Big Data Research and Development Initiative


OSTI is playing a key role to ensure the impact of DOE research is tracked and that a scholarly structure is in place to reward data producers. Read more about OSTI contribution to President's "Big Data Research and Development Initiative".



Improved remote access to Science Accelerator

April 2012

Science Acclerator


Now access Science Accelerator using its Quick Response (QR) code. Read more about Science Accelerator.





The Manhattan Project–70th Anniversary

March 2012


From the science lab, to the battlefield, to peaceful use. Read more about the Manhattan Project.






DOE Data Explorer enhancement adds more content

March 2012

DOE Data Explorer


Now one search in DDE finds both non-text collections across DOE and individual datasets registered with OSTI for a Digital Object Identifier. Read more about DOE Data Explorer.






Forging the way with vision and foresight

March 2012

Information Bridge


Vision results in a dramatic increase in access to DOE research reports. Read more about Information Bridge.





SciennceLab gets a makeover

March 2012

ScienceLab Education resources from the U.S. Department of Energy


Search, rate, and share STEM education resources. Read more about ScienceLab.






Scientific leadership recognized

February 2012

Enrico Fermi Award Recipents


Researchers recognized with one of the oldest, most prestigious S&T honors bestowed by the U.S. Government. Read more about DOE accomplishments. expands its global coverage

February 2012



New databases searchable via Read more about WorldWideScience.





The curious and the curiosity

February 2012

The Curious and the Curiosity


Researchers recognized with one of the oldest, most prestigious S&T honors bestowed by the U.S. Government. Read more about DOE accomplishments.



DOE research makes big bang

February 2012

Science Accelerator

Photo courtesy of Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory

LBNL astrophysicist wins Nobel Prize for the discovery of the accelerating expansion of the universe. Read more about Science Accelerator.








Looking for a science internship or fellowship

January 2012 internships


Check out the top Google result for science internships,! Read more about internships.




OSTI YouTube channelOSTI has a YouTube channel

January 2012

Watch and learn more about OSTI. Read more about OSTI YouTube channel.




ScienceCinemaNow playing: ScienceCinema

January 2012

Search videos highlighting leading-edge research at DOE and CERN. Read more about ScienceCinema.


OSTI interlinkingFind science information fast

December 2011

At OSTI you can search across these and other types of digital assets. Read more about OSTI R&D Results.




Energy Citations DatabaseClean energy research in ECD

December 2011

Find thousands of clean energy citations and documents in the Energy Citations Database! Read more about Energy Citations.




Pellissippi State Community CollegeCommunity college connections

December 2011

.EDUconnections showcases the important role community colleges play in preparing students to be scientists, researchers and engineers. Read more about community college connections.




Science Accelerator enhanced search and retrievalEnhanced search and retrieval

December 2011

Science Accelerator now offers new capabilities to enhance your search and retrieval. Read more about Science Accelerator enhanced search and retrieval.'s mobile's Mobile Gallery

November 2011

Launch mobile websites from OSTI's new Mobile Gallery. Read more about's mobile gallery.




DOE Data Explorer DOE Data Explorer has interactive data maps

November 2011

Let DOE Data Explorer guide you to DOE's collection of interactive data maps. Read more about DOE Data Explorer. goes mobile!

November 2011

Get reliable science information on your phone… Read more about




DOE R&D Acomplishments

What has DOE accomplished?

October 2011

Explore 50 Breakthroughs by America's National Labs. Read more about DOE accomplishments.


Science Conference Proceedings

Science Conference Proceedings

October 2011

Search for conference information of interest to DOE on multiple websites and databases with a single query. Read more about Science Conference Proceedings.


Find current and historical BER projects

Find current and historical BER projects

October 2011

Provides summaries of over 6,000 research projects conducted by the DOE Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER). Read more about BER.


DOE Green Energy

Your keywords now mapped to concepts

September 2011

New semantic search plus auto-complete gets you a more direct line to green energy content. Read more about Green Energy.



Get scientific E-prints

Get scientific E-prints

September 2011

Scientists and engineers do the research; OSTI provides the access. Read more about E-prints.

Information Bridge Reference Linking

Information Bridge Reference Linking

September 2011

The Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) is giving authors the opportunity to have their reports enhanced. Read more about Reference Linking.



Geothermal Technologies Legacy Collection

Geothermal info at your fingertips

September 2011

Geothermal developments and studies, 1970s forward Gain insights from current and past activities. Read more about Geothermal.



OSTI joins DataCite

August 2011

OSTI membership in DataCite facilitates finding, accessing and reusing DOE datasets. Read more about OSTI and DataCite.



Science Accelerator

Explore the sciences via Science Accelerator

August 2011

DOE is the single largest Federal government supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States. Read more about Science Accelerator.




More science images at

August 2011

Science images from the NSF Image Collection have been added to the image search. Read more about science images at




Improved access to great content

August 2011

Now access DOE Accomplishments website via its QR code; explore major major scientific influences including Nobel Laureate I.I. Rabi. Read more about R&D Accomplishments.



August 2011

Explore the largest single collection of energy-related scientific information in the world. Read more about ETDEWEB.

Join us on facebook

OSTI is on Facebook

August 2011

OSTI's Facebook gives you info on OSTI databases, search tools and more. Read more about OSTI Facebook.


DOE software available via OSTI

July 2011

Software developed at LANL touted by President Obama, available at OSTI. Read more about ESTSC.



DOE R&D Accomplishments

What has DOE accomplished?

July 2011

Explore 50 Breakthroughs by America's National Labs. Read more about R&D Accomplishments.




EnergyFiles revamped and ready for searches

July 2011

Search over 50 collections of science information in fields relevant to the U.S. Department of Energy. Topics include biology and medicine, fission and nuclear technologies, geophysics, materials science, mathematics, renewable energy, and more. Read more about EnergyFiles.




Arabic, mobile & multimedia added

July 2011

3 major upgrades for 2011

  • Arabic added to multilingual translations
  • mobile
  • multimedia science & technology searching

Read more about WorldWideScience.




Search project summaries from multiple agencies

July 2011

Find the most relevant project summaries with a single query. Read more about Federal R&D Project Summaries.




.EDUconnections Spotlight Archive

Science Accelerator content now includes multimedia

July 2011

DOE videos now available through Science Accelerator search engine. Read more about Science Accelerator.



.EDUconnections Spotlight Archive

A First in Combining Science Discovery Technologies:  Federated Search and Speech-Indexed Multimedia

June 2011

Read more about multimedia in scientific portal.


.EDUconnections Spotlight ArchiveDOE software featured at ESTSC

June 2011

MASTER, an open-source software package, now available from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Read more about ESTSC software.


.EDUconnections Spotlight ArchiveUniversities & colleges share the energy spotlight

June 2011

Visit the EDUconnections archive to learn about great colleges and universities with DOE connections. Read more about spotlight archive.


.EDUconnections Spotlight ArchiveSearch from your site!

June 2011

You can now integrate a widget into your own website or customized page. Read more about widget.



Science Cinema

CERN multimedia now playing at DOE ScienceCinema

May 2011


Read more about CERN multimedia.




Science Accelerator

Optimize your findings; share them with friends

May 2011


Read more about optimizing your findings.





Research on the "Go" with OSTI mobile

Research 'on the go' with OSTI mobile:

May 2011

Read more about OSTI mobile.






STIPSTI from DOE labs

May 2011

Find STI by lab or facility at the STIP site. Read more about DOE National Laboratories.



TwitterFollow us on twitter

May 2011

Don't miss any updates from Read more at OSTI Twitter.





DOE Data ExplorerDiscover DOE Scientific Research Data

May 2011

Get numeric data, multimedia, non-text information of all kinds from the U.S. Department of Energy. Read more about DOE Data Explorer.




National Science Bowl April 30 - May 2, 2011 National Science Bowl® goes mobile

April 2011

Read more about updates on site, stay tuned to developments.




DOE R&D AccomplishmentsNobel Price in Physics

April 2011

Read more about Samuel Ting and the J/psi Particle yield Charm quark plus 1976 Nobel Prize in Physics.




.EDUconnections websiteUW-Madison and DOE team up

April 2011

Improving biofuel feedstock, developing better processing technique, ensuring sustainability. Read more about .EDUconnections.




DOE Green EnergyGreen Energy info for Earth Day

April 2011

Get free access to over 30,000 full text technical reports and over 2,000 patents! Read more about Green Energy.



FacebookJoin us on Facebook

April 2011

Catch up on our latest news, tools, and more. Read more information at OSTI Facebook.




E-Print NetworkPowerful tools at E-print Network

April 2011

Gain quick access to millions of scientific e-prints. Read more information about E-print Network.






DOE R&D Accomplishments Tag CloudWomen in DOE science history

March 2011

Find out about the award-winning discoveries of women in DOE.




Federal R&D Project SummariesWhat's happening in the Fed R&D community?

March 2011

With one query, search select scientific databases of federal R&D project summaries. Read more about Federal R&D Project Summaries.



A look back at 2010DOepatents

March 2011

New laser power source, soft tissue repair, oil separation, and other highlighted inventions from 2010 featured. Read more about DOepatents.


Scientific and Technical Information ProgramIncreasing the availability of STI

March 2011

A collaboration from across the DOE complex working to identify, disseminate, and preserve DOE R&D results. Read more about the Scientific and Technical Information Program (STIP).




Community College ConnectionsMacomb Community College featured

February 2011

From biological sciences to automotive engineering, Macomb Community College showcased. Read more about community college connections at .EDUconnections.




DOE R&D Accomplishments Tag CloudUse interactive tag cloud

February 2011

The weighted list provides a quick look at the content of the DOE R&D Accomplishments database. Read more about DOE R&D Accomplishments database tag cloud.





OpenGovView OSTI tools in

February 2011 recently incorporated into its Tools Catalogue several additional search engines developed by OSTI. Read more about OSTI tools in



ScienceCinemaFind DOE R&D Videos

February 2011

Scientific videos highlighting the most exciting research and development sponsored by DOE are now available through ScienceCinema. Read more about ScienceCinema.



WorldWideScienceUse Multilingual Search Tool

February 2011

Break down scientific language barriers: search in one of nine languages, get translated results from databases of over 70 nations. Read more about WorldWideScience.


DOE R&D Accomplishments XML ServicesGet Accomplishments plus its XML services

February 2011

Read about DOE accomplishments and use the new XML service. Read more about DOE R&D Accomplishments.






Science AcceleratorUse Clusters to Refine Your Search

January 2011

Search key words "fuel cell"; get clusters such as "fuel cell vehicle" "solid oxide fuel" "fuel stack" and more. Read more about




Energy-Related Laboratory EquipmentGet energy-related lab equipment for schools

January 2011

Search for and find the tools you need to inspire innovation and creativity. Read more about ERLE.







January 2011

Learn how you can help accelerate scientific discovery. Read more about Adopt-A-Doc.

Banner Year for ECDBanner Year for ECD

January 2011

Why has it been a banner year for the Energy Citations Database? Read more about Energy Citations Database.


Get Science Conference ProceedingsGet Science Conference Proceedings

January 2011

Quickly access papers and proceedings from science conferences of interest to DOE. Read more about Science Conference Proceedings.




OSTIblog Join the DiscussionJoin the discussion

December 2010

At the award-winning OSTIblog, every article is designed to help you find the research results and science information you need, and to understand why that is important. Read more about OSTIblog.

DOepatents New WidgetFind DOepatents

December 2010

Download the DOepatents widget to find DOE patent data, read news about DOE inventions, and browse the most-viewed patents. Read more about DOepatents. TwitterFollow Science in the News

December 2010

Follow Science in the News on Twitter! Read more about Twitter.




Energy Science and Technology Software Center (ESTSC)

Find DOE software at updated ESTSC

November 2010

Read more about software developed by the DOE labs via at updated website, ESTSC.




Science.govMore results at your fingertips!

November 2010

Science Accelerator is a gateway to science information, including R&D results, project descriptions, accomplishments and more. Read more about Science Accelerator.


Information BridgeGet full-text documents

October 2010

Check out the latest features and related research documents. Read more about Information Bridge.



EDUconnectionsConnect to Universities

October 2010

View research achievements at U.S. Universities and Community Colleges. Read more about .EDUconnections.


October 2010

Explore the largest single collection of energy-related scientific information in the world. Read more about ETDEWEB.


October 2010

Use the new search tool to find federal science internships & fellowships at Find Internships.


Looking for a Summer Internship? September 2010


Looking for a summer internship with the Department of Homeland Security? Need a science graduate fellowship with the Department of Energy Office of Science? Read more about summer internships.


Top Blog Government juggle awardsOSTIblog

August 2010


Where can you read more about Recording Science: from Parchment to Pixels? Read more about OSTIblog.

Connect to DOE-related research

.EDUconnections Michigan State University

August 2010


Visit .EDUconnections and connect to DOE-related research at Michigan State University. Read more about DOE-related research.


Science AcceleratorScience Accelerator Widget

June 2010


You can now explore multiple Science Accelerator features through the new tabbed widget. Read more about the widget.




June 2010


Read more about Multilingual BETA .
Read what Microsoft is saying about exit federal site.
Read the OSTI press release on
View the Multilingual WorldWideScience.orgBETA video exit federal site.



University of Illinois feature on EDUconnections.EDUconnections

May 2010


Connect to DOE-related research at the University of Illinois when you visit .EDUconnections. Read more about .EDUconnections.



DOE Green Energy

DOE Green Energy portal

April 2010


Find green energy-related research and development information through a new online portal, DOE Green Energy. Read more about DOE Green Energy.

community college connectionsCommunity College Connections

April 2010


The U.S. Department of Energy is now spotlighting community colleges across the nation committed to supporting and advancing science. Read more about Community College Connections.


OpenGov Initiative


Whitehouse Open Gov OSTI Open Gov Initiative March 2010


As part of the Administration-wide Open Gov Initiative, OSTI is contributing various tools and data sets. Read more about OSTI's opengov initiative.



DOE R&D Accomplishments

DOE R&D Accomplishments

January 2010

From nuclear medicine to optical tweezers to secrets powering the stars, there’s plenty of information you can now easily share via social media. Read more about DOE R&D Accomplishments.

Science.govScience in the News

January 2010


Now you can get science news from many U.S. science agencies via a new feed at Read more about Science in the News.

Energy-Related Laboratory Equipment

Schools to participate in ERLE

December 2009


DOE opens lab equipment acquisition program (Energy-Related Laboratory Equipment) to high schools and middle schools. Read more about ERLE.



DOepatents Database

December 2009


DOepatents Database

A growing collection of patents resulting from R&D supported by DOE. Read more about DOepatents.



DOE R&D AccomplishmentsNobel Prize in Chemistry

October 2009


Nobel Prize in Chemistry for seminal work related to ribosome, now a major target for new antibiotics. Read more about the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.





September 2009


Get connected: University research departments and libraries across the nation can find tools and resources from DOE at .EDUconnections. Read more about .EDUconnections.



Energy Citations DatabaseScience in many disciplines

August 2009


Visit Energy Citations Database for access to research in many science disciplines. Read more about Energy Citations Database.


Adopt-A-DocMaking more research available

July 2009


Adopt-A-Doc to help make more research available online. Read more about Adopt-A-Doc.


Office of Scientific and Technical InformationNew OSTI website

June 2009


OSTI sports new look and improved navigation. Read more about

Russian, Korean research added to WorldWideScience.orgResearch added to

May 2009


Read more about Russian, Korean research added to,, and WorldWideScience.govSearch engines for science

March 2009


Read more about teachers, students learning about search engines for science.



Research added to Federal R&D Project Summaries

Federal R&D Project SummariesFebruary 2009


Research added to Federal R&D Project Summaries.

Science Accelerator

Science Accelerator searches

January 2009


Read more about customizing your science search at

E-print Network
Scientific E-prints

December 2008


Read more about finding scientific e-prints worldwide - just got easier!

Geothermal Technologies Legacy Collection 'Hot Docs'

OSTI Widgets

November 2008


Read more about science widgets.



Geothermal Technologies Legacy Collection 'Hot Docs'Hot Docs

November 2008


Read more about "Hot Docs" at the Geothermal Technologies Legacy Collection.

Science Showcase

Science Showcase

October 2008


Read more about 2008 Nobel Laureate, Dr. Yoichiro Nambu.


Information BridgeInformation Bridge

October 2008


Read more about joining the discussion on important DOE research.

Information Bridge

Information Bridge

September 2008


Read more about the increase in web access to DOE research.

September 2008


Read more about 5.0


WorldWideScience Alliance established

June 2008


View the video of Signing Ceremony.



DOE Data ExplorerDOE Data Explorer

June 2008


Read more about discovering the data behind DOE's scientific publications!


Science Accelerator Science Accelerator

April 2008


Read more about the DOE Science Accelerator including scientific software.



Information BridgeInformation Bridge

February 2008


Read more about the approximately 10,000 documents added to Information Bridge.

Edward Teller 1958-1960

DOE R&D Accomplishments

January 2008


Read more about the 100th anniversary of Edward Teller's birth.

Science Showcase
Science Showcase

November 2007


Read more about Giant Magnetoresistance Research.

DOepatentsDOepatents new database launched

September 2007


Read more about the new database of DOE patent records.


Science AcceleratorScience Accelerator

August 2007


Read more about searching key DOE resources from one portal.

World Wide Science - Global Science Gateway

July 2007


Read more about the new Global Science Gateway.


Energy Citations DatabaseEnergy Citations Alerts

May 2007


Read more about the alerts available to help citizens find DOE legacy research.


OSTI 60th Anniversary OSTI's 60th Anniversary

May 2007


Read more about OSTI 60th anniversary.


Information BridgeInformation Bridge

April 2007


Read more about the ATP “molecular machine”.


Energy Science and Technology Software Center Energy Science and Technology Software Center

March 2007


Read more about getting the latest in federal science software packages.



Introducing 4.0 with 4.0

March 2007


Read more about 4.0 with DeepRank. New Portal Planned

January 2007


Read more about DOE partnering with British Library to develop international portal for science.

Science Showcase -- George F. Smoot and Roger D. Kornberg
Science Showcase

December 2006


Read more about George F. Smoot and Roger D. Kornberg and the list of Nobel Laureates associated with DOE.

Weinberg Papers Weinberg Papers

November 2006


Read more about the selection of Alvin Weinberg's (1915–2006) scientific literature legacy.



Research and Development AccomplishmentsNobel Laureates featured

October 2006


Read more about DOE Nobel Laureates.


Research and Development Project SummariesDOE R&D Project Summaries

August 2006


Read more about R&D Project Summaries.


Science.govNSDL at

May 2006


Read more about searching National Science Digital Library at

Energy Technology Data Exchange Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDE)

March 2006


Read more about ETDE., Version 3.0

December 2005


Read more about 3.0 launched.



Information Bridge

Information BridgeOctober 2005


Read more about Information Bridge: new look, new features, more reports.



E-print NetworkE-Print Network

September 2005


Read more about E-print Network: Now search over 664,000 eprints.


Science Conferences

Science ConferencesJune 2005


Read more about searching the Science Conferences of professional organizations whose fields of interest relate to the mission of DOE.


ScienceLab to N.S.T.A.ScienceLab

April 2005


Read more about ScienceLab. Alerts

February 2005


Read more about the Alert Service.


DOE Office of Science celebrates 2005 World Year of Physics

World Year of PhysicsFebruary 2005


Read more about DOE SC celebrates the 2005 World Year of Physics through a year-long program of activities highlighting how physics enables scientific advances that contributes to our quality of life. Included is DOE Physicists at Work, profiles of some of the physicists at DOE labs and facilities.

D.O.E. Office of Science celebrates 2005 World Year of Physics D.O.E. Physicists at Work

DOE Research and Development (R&D) Project Summaries

December 2004

Research and Development


Read more about DOE Research Projects Project Summaries.



Federal R&D Project SummariesDOE Federal R&D Project Summaries

September 2004


Read more about DOE Federal R&D Project summaries. 2.0

June 2004 2.0


Read more about 2.0 launched.




May 2004


Read more about ScienceLab.

DOE R&D Accomplishments

December 2003

D.O.E. R&D Accomplishments


Read more about DOE R&D Accomplishments.

Some links on this page may take you to non-federal websites. Their policies may differ from this site.