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OSTI accelerates knowledge discovery, speeding the advancement of science.





  • September 2011 – goes Mobile

    A mobile version has been launched allowing users to search resources from Android, Blackberry and iPhone mobile phones. Results from over 50 databases and more than 2100 selected websites can be accessed. This application was made available from the Alliance, a collaboration of 14 federal agencies offering 200 million pages of authoritative U.S. government science information and R&D via the one-stop search engine.

  • August 2011 – OSTI Assigns First DOI as DataCite Member

    Researchers funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) can now make their scientific research data easier to cite and easier to find from worldwide sources. OSTI, within the Office of Science, became a member of DataCite in January 2011 to facilitate access to DOE datasets. Through this membership, OSTI assigns permanent identifiers, known as Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs), to the individual datasets to aid in citation, discovery, and retrieval. Creating stable pathways to these datasets makes the scientific process more accessible and the research more replicable for future discoveries.

    OSTI Director Walter Warnick said, “This service yields easier access and identification of scientific research datasets produced by DOE-funded researchers so that they can be readily found and cited with confidence.”

    Read more at the press release.

  • July 2011 – Multimedia Added to a Federated Search has added a new multimedia search capability, including search of speech-indexed scientific videos from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and CERN. Speech-indexing is provided by the Microsoft Research Audio Video Indexing System (MAVIS).

  • June 2011 – Goes Mobile

    A mobile version of ( has been launched, which will mark another first in the field of federated search. This enhancement builds on’s history of innovation in combining information and search technologies with a commitment to accelerate scientific discovery. This commitment is shared by the multilateral WorldWideScience Alliance, comprised of globally-dispersed national and international scientific and technical information organizations.

  • May 2011 – Goes Mobile

    OSTI mobile, the mobile application that previously searched Information Bridge, has been upgraded. Now Android, Blackberry or iPhone will show results from a number of OSTI Databases, including Energy Citations Database, Information Bridge, ScienceCinema, DOepatents and DOE Green Energy. Search by document type including multimedia and standard options, download and email results. Get the OSTIblog, twitter, Facebook, videos, and news.

  • February 2011 – ScienceCinema Launched

    Scientific videos highlighting the most exciting research and development sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) were made available through ScienceCinema. It is anticipated that scientific videos, animations, interactive visualizations, and other multimedia will become an increasingly prominent form of scientific communications. ScienceCinema uses innovative, state-of-the-art audio indexing and speech recognition technology from Microsoft Research to allow users to quickly find video files produced by the DOE National Laboratories and other DOE research facilities.


  • January 2011 – OSTI becomes DataCite Member

    OSTI joined DataCite exit federal site to facilitate finding, accessing and reusing publicly available scientific research datasets produced by U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)-funded researchers. Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) are assigned to research datasets, then registered with DataCite to establish persistence. When registered, these datasets are announced with other forms of STI made available by OSTI as part of its mission to advance science.


    Registering DOIs is a service OSTI is providing to the DOE-funded researchers at DOE national laboratories, facilities, and grantees at universities and other institutions.


  • January 2011 – Debuts Image Search made science images easy to find through its free federated image search. Initially, three databases are being searched from one search box:

  • The U.S. Geological Survey National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) Library of Images from the Environment (LIFE), a collection of high-quality photographs, illustrations, and graphics covering a wide range of topics, including images of plants, animals, fungi, microorganisms, habitats, wildlife management, environmental topics, and biological study/fieldwork. 

  • The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA ) Image eXchange (NIX), a search engine of NASA's multimedia collections, including images of space flight wind tunnel, solar system, aircraft, and education initiatives.

  • The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Photo Library (NOAA), a collection spanning centuries of time and much of the natural world from the center of the earth to the surface of the sun.



  • June 2010 – Multilingual WorldWideScience BETA Launched

    Multilingual BETA makes possible real-time searching and translation of globally-dispersed collections of scientific literature. This capability will benefit the English-speaking science community, enabling searching and translation of non-English sources. It will also benefit native speakers of other major languages (Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, and Russian) by translating search results into the user's language of choice.


  • November 2009 – Beta Launched

  • A beta version of a collaborative science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education website,, was launched to virtually integrate Federal agency educational materials, making them transparent and searchable via a single query. Modeled after the portal, the concept of was initiated in 2007 through a partnership with DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) and the DOE Office of Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists (WDTS).  An interagency working group convened by OSTI in 2009 began the collaborative effort. The participatory platform and its beta launch were requested by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, which recently highlighted on the White House Open Government Innovations Gallery.

  • September 2009 – .EDUconnections Launched

  • University research departments and libraries can find tools and resources from DOE at .EDUconnections. Patrons can find specialized tools and services, visit the spotlight page to see examples of universities supporting and advancing scientific research and discovery, find DOE grants, internships, fellowships and scholarships, and use the widget.

  • June 2009 – OSTI YouTube Channel Established

    To broaden awareness of research and development results and to better educate the public about Office of Science and Department of Energy R&D projects and activities, an OSTI YouTube channel was established. This Web 2.0 outreach initiative provides a format for OSTI videos to disseminate and preserve legacy information through staff interviews as well as to discuss and visually exhibit the latest innovative breakthroughs in information technology.

  • February 2009 – Fed R&D Project Summaries Expanded

    The portal that provides full-text, single-query access to federal government research projects was expanded to include project summaries from the Transportation Research Board, National Aeronautics and Space Administration funded research and lists of publications, and Department of Defense research, development, test and evaluation programs and program elements. Original agency participants are Department of Agriculture, Department of Energy, Environmental Protection Agency, the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and the Small Business Administration.


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