255N – Network Management Technician


Supervises and manages the operation of tactical communication networks and personnel at the origination (node) level.

Supervises and manages electronic keying equipment and information at the node level.

Plans, installs, administers, manages, maintains, operates, integrates, secures and troubleshoots tactical networks.

Manages the training of personnel on the installation, administration, management, maintenance, operation, integration, securing and troubleshooting of tactical networks.

Develops policy recommendations and advises commanders and staffs on planning, installing, administering, managing, maintaining, operating, integrating and securing Army, Joint, Combined and Coalition communication networks.

Manages electronic keys required to support communication networks.

Minimum Prerequisites:

  • Be a Sergeant (E-5) or above.
  • Four years of documented practical experience in voice and data internetworking, wide-area networks and/or network planning.
  • Practical experience may be documented through Noncommissioned Officer Evaluation Reports (NCOERs) and award citations. In some instances, practical experience acquired from civilian employment may be acceptable, provided the experience can be documented by employee evaluations or performance appraisals, and determined to be equivalent to military experience. A portion of the practical experience requirement may be waived for applicants who have a degree in a computer-intensive discipline from a regionally accredited academic institution. For favorable consideration of the education substitution, the grade point score for computer courses should not be less than 2.0 on a 4.0 scale. In some cases, one year deployed in a combat zone may count as two years practical experience. To apply, experience must be in a position performing duties relative to the Military Occupational Specialty (MOS).
  • Have on file a minimum of three NCOERs that reflect outstanding duty performance ratings in communications network operations and/or management.
  • A minimum of six semester hours of college level English from an accredited academic institution. Speech and public speaking courses are not considered as meeting this requirement, even if administered by the English department of an institution. Successful completion of the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) general examination in English or an associate degree or higher are the only acceptable alternatives.

Waiver requests for a minimum of three NCOERs will be considered for E-5s and above without sufficient time-in-grade on a case-by-case basis.

NOTE: A letter from a senior Signal Warrant Officer is not required. If a letter from a senior Signal Warrant Officer and/or IT professional with personal knowledge of your technical skills and leadership potential is included, it will add weight to the overall strength of the packet.

*Note: Army National Guard programs and benefits are subject to change. Your local warrant officer recruiter has the most up-to-date information about job availability and bonuses in your state.