The Office of Naval Research (ONR) coordinates, executes, and promotes the science and technology programs of the United States Navy and Marine Corps.
(30) Develops and transitions technologies to enable the Navy-Marine Corps team to win and survive on the battlefield, today and tomorrow.
(31) Supports the development of advanced electronics, communications, surveillance and navigational tools that provide the Navy with a battlefield advantage.
(32) Equips the Navy with technologies designed to observe, model and predict air, ocean and shore environments, and detect underwater threats.
(33) Develops and delivers technologies that enable superior warfighting and energy capabilities for naval forces, platforms and undersea weaponry.
(34) Enhances warfighter effectiveness and efficiency through bioengineered and biorobotic systems, medical technologies, improved manpower, personnel, training and system design.
(35) Supports the Navy’s power project needs, fostering the technology development of naval aircraft, structures, propulsion, autonomy, energetic, directed energy and electric weapons.


ONR’s directorates balance a robust science and technology (S&T) portfolio, allocating funds to meet the warfighter's requirements.

ONR Global

Stackley Confirmed as Speaker

Image - Sean Stackley, Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development, AcquisitionThe assistant secretary of the Navy for Research, Development and Acquisition has confirmed as a speaker at the 2012 ONR Naval Science & Technology Partnership Conference next month.

Sean Stackley now joins other confirmed speakers, including White House Office of Science & Technology Policy Director John P. Holdren, Vice Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Mark Ferguson and Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. James Amos. Register today | See the agenda

ONR Hits the Road

24th Annual HENAAC Conference (Details)
STEM, Excellence and the Pursuit of Innovation
Disney's Coronado Springs Resort, Lake Buena Vista, Fla.
Oct. 11-13, 2012

ONR Naval Science & Technology Partnership Conference (Details)
Hyatt Regency Crystal City, Crystal City, Va.
Oct. 22-24, 2012

Ferrari to Set Pace at NRL


Image - Capt. Anthony Ferrari, NRLCapt. Anthony Ferrari, took the helm of commanding officer at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) during a change of command ceremony Aug. 30. Ferrari succeeds Capt. Paul C. Stewart, who retired after four years as NRL's commanding officer, and with a 29-year service record with the U.S. Navy.

Reporting to Chief of Naval Research Rear Adm. Matthew Klunder, Ferrari now directs the multidisciplinary spectrum of scientific research and advanced technological development in the areas of materials science, systems, ocean and atmospheric sciences, and space sciences for the U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, and other federal agencies.

ONR Locations

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