Directions to the USGS Menlo Park Campus

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From Highway 101, take the Willow Road exit west to Menlo Park. DRIVE 1 mile to Middlefield Road, TURN RIGHT (northwest) on Middlefield, DRIVE 1 block, and TURN LEFT on Linfield Drive. Turn into the first parking lot entrance on the right. There will be a sign for Earth Science Day parking.

From El Camino Real (US 82), TURN NORTHEAST on Ravenswood Road in Menlo Park, DRIVE to the T-junction at Middlefield Road, TURN RIGHT on Middlefield, DRIVE 3 blocks, and turn right on Linfield Drive. Turn into the first parking lot entrance on the right. There will be a sign for Earth Science Day parking.

To Use Public Transportation on the Peninsula, TAKE CalTrain to the Menlo Park Station, and then the SamTrans Bus 6A to the campus. [Or, it's less than a mile walk from the train station to the campus.] To walk to the campus, head south from the train station about 100 yards to Ravenswood Avenue. TURN LEFT (east) and walk down Ravenswood about a half a mile to Middlefield Road, turn right (south) and the campus is on the right hand side of the street. TURN RIGHT (west) on Survey Lane. GO 1 block. The Visitor's Center is in Building 3, on your right.

Where To Go When You Get To The USGS Campus

There is a welcome station at the end of Homewood Place. Please check in to pick up important materials and your starting station.

DO NOT drive down Survey Lane (W 2nd on the Google Map) to drop students off. We need to keep that area safe and clear of traffic.


There is only one lot reserved for parking and it is off of Linfield Drive before Homewood, if you are coming from Middlefield. There should be parking throughout the neighborhood and also at Burgess Park.