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NHGRI Scientific Director Departing To Lead New Genomics Consortium

June 26, 2002

BETHESDA, Md. - The National Human Genome Research Institute's Intramural Scientific Director, Dr. Jeffrey Trent, formally announced that he would be leaving the institute to lead the private, non-profit Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGRI) in Phoenix, Arizona. Dr. Trent will remain NHGRI's Scientific Director while a national search is conducted to find his replacement.

Prepared Statement of Dr. Francis S. Collins
Director, National Human Genome Research Institute

"Jeff will be very much missed. He has been a terrific leader of genomic research on the NIH campus. He was instrumental in creating the intramural program of NHGRI and leading it to become one of the strongest programs in genetics and genomics in the world. His own research on cancer genetics, especially prostate cancer, melanoma, and breast cancer, has been groundbreaking.

"With the sequence of the human genome and a host of other research resources and technologies now available, the opportunities to translate basic science into clinical medicine are unprecedented. I am sure that the new TGRI will play an important role in the exciting new era."

"Jeff is not only a terrific scientist and a remarkably talented leader but a close friend as well. I am sad to see him leave NIH, but he clearly has a vision for what he wants to do in this next chapter of his life. He and his wife Dee have strong and deep roots in Arizona, and I know they are looking forward to going back home. All of us at NHGRI would like to extend our best wishes for success and happiness in their new endeavors."

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