Volunteer Abroad to Make a Difference


As a Cross-Cultural Solutions volunteer, you'll be doing your part to make the world a better place while experiencing it in a way that is purely out-of-the-box. Your CCS volunteer experience will take you to one of 12 countries in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, or Latin America. With a 99.4% satisfaction rate and nearly 30,000 great volunteer experiences completed, you can relax and rely on our unmatched commitment to safety, support, and rich program experiences, all of which have garnered CCS respect as the premiere volunteer travel experience. Become a CCS international volunteer today!

Family Volunteering in Brazil

A family of four from Canada discusses volunteering in Brazil and how the experience has brought them closer

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"International volunteering is great because it forced me to go out of my comfort zone. You can develop a lot of self-knowledge through the experience."
Al K.
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"You just have to do it; you have to go for it. Everyone will take away something different from their trip, but I think the common theme about it is that it will change your life."
Barb G.
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"I gained a new global outlook just on everything and I learned that not everything is about myself. I learned a lot about myself in that one week."
Caitlin F.
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"In one word it was very rewarding, it felt enriching in a way. It added in a big way to my overall life experience. I felt like it was a really unique and once in a lifetime opportunity."
Casey C.
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"I thought all I wanted out of life was an Audi A6, a penthouse in New York, some Gucci’s—stuff that now doesn’t even matter. I realized I’d rather travel the world and make a difference in people’s lives."
Erika S.
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"It changed my life and the way that I look at the world and how I want to contribute to it. It created this burning itch inside of me, and it’s not going to stop..."
Erin H.
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"I am at a point in my life as a 46-year-old when I know that there are moments in your life that are just unforgettable. With CCS, I have always had those moments."
Felipe V.
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"Traveling on your own and having different experiences really helps you grow. It was the first time that I had lived away from home, so I definitely grew up a lot."
Jade M.
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"It was an experience of total self-renewal for me. It just opened my eyes to what I needed to see for myself--to see the world, give back, and realize that I’m capable of anything."
Kaeli F.
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"You get over the nervousness of meeting new people in like the first hour because you have one huge common characteristic, and that’s the love of volunteering."
Leota T.
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"I learned more about myself for sure. I definitely know I’d do it again. I gained confidence, traveling by myself. I think I also gained patience."
Leslie L.
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"I always tell people it couldn’t have been better. All of the volunteers, the kids that I worked with, the staff, the in-country staff—everyone was just amazing, and everyone was so appreciative of everyone else being there."
Madeline C.
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"What was great about my trip to Costa Rica is that I really got to communicate and bond with the local people, and so I really feel like I’ve gotten to know Costa Rica better than any place I‘ve traveled to."
Manon V.
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"I think I’ll always be connected to the people I shared the experience with…even if I never see them again, I’ll always feel connected."
Melanie S.
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"To be immersed in another culture and experience it, and see these people and how they live, and how they struggle, it has to change you in some way. I feel the trip bolted me forward in terms of making a difference in the world."
Monica R.
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"It’s the most incredibly hard thing I’ve ever done in my life and the most wonderful thing I’ve ever done in my life. I was able to make a difference in the kids’ lives, and they in turn made a major difference in my life."
Pattye S.
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"You get a more authentic experience whereas when you go somewhere as a tourist, you’re really at the whims of that area’s main tourist trappings. Here we felt like we were part of the town...we really had more of an attachment being there."
Ray M.
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"I think it was the best of both worlds — we get to partner with the NGOs we wanted to work with, and also get the cultural side of things, with all the logistics taken care of."
Ruth B.
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"Literally every day I had the opportunity to challenge myself physically, spiritually or emotionally. It led me to question and evaluate my beliefs and values."
Sara G.
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"I think the best moment for me was seeing one of the students from NYU have such a moment of clarity and impact from the experience."
Shana C.
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"Traveling abroad doing volunteer work is different because you’re traveling with more of an open mind. You’re going there and coming back knowing that you did something positive and changed someone’s life."
Umair U.
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