Education and Community Outreach

The National Guard is recognized for its combat readiness and response to natural disasters. The Guard brings the same sense of focus and dedication to its communities with education and community outreach and youth development programs.

These programs are designed to assist disadvantaged and at-risk students—as well as the nearly 7,000 students who are dropping out every school day.

Compared to high school graduates, high school dropouts are far more likely to:

  • Be periodically unemployed
  • Spend time on government assistance
  • Cycle in and out of the prison system
  • Earn about $260,000 less over their lifetime

Recognizing this, the National Guard's education and youth outreach programs are giving youth and adults the support they need to become successful.

Operation About Face

Operation About Face is aimed at teens who are still in school but at risk of becoming dropouts. The course helps with study, life and job skills, while providing safe after-school and summer activity at local armories and other community facilities.

Operation Forward March

Operation Forward March is a community outreach program for out-of-school youth and adults making a transition into the workforce. Participants receive intensive life and employability skills training, occupational training and job placement.

Click on the links above to see how the National Guard’s education and community outreach and youth development programs are making a positive impact on current and future generations of young Americans.