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Partners in Quality

"Partners in Quality" assists private firms that compete for government contracts by allowing them to purchase manufacturing time and to subcontract parts and services directly through UNICOR. Our high-quality, competitively priced labor can translate into more competitive bids and higher profits for your business.

UNICOR has made well documented contributions toward reducing recidivism, improving prison safety, and lowering incarceration costs in the Federal prison system. Partners in Quality also makes a significant contribution to our nations economy by lowering the cost of producing domestic goods in the face of increasing foreign competition.

With all the capabilities we have shown you here, it should be clear that UNICOR brings much to the table when partnering with your company for government contract work. The combination of our up-to-date factories, stringent performance testing methods, commitment to quality, and low-cost labor uniquely positions UNICOR to respond to the most forward thinking subcontracting needs. Most important, we never forget that the bottom line is a competitive price. As your Partner in Quality, UNICOR can make a contribution that enhances both your success and your profits.