Dr. Robert Star

Director, KUH
NIDDK, National Institutes of Health
Building 2DEM, Room 625
6707 Democracy Blvd.
Bethesda, MD 20892-5458
Tel: 301-496-6325
Fax: 301-480-3510
Email: starr@mail.nih.gov

Dr. Robert Star

Current Position:
Division Director, KUH, NIDDK

Concurrent Positions:
Senior Investigator, and Chief, Renal Diagnostics and Therapeutics Unit, NIDDK

Current Portfolio/Responsibilities:

Previous Training and Experience:

A.B., Harvard University (1976)

M.D., Harvard Medical School, Heath-Sciences and Technology, Harvard-MIT (1980)

Residency in Internal Medicine, Michael Reese Hospital, Chicago, IL (1980-1983)

Medical Staff Fellow, Kidney and Electrolyte Metabolism, NHLBI, NIH (1983-1986)

Assistant Professor of Medicine, UT-Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (1987-1993)

Attending Medical Staff, Parkland Memorial Hospital, Dallas, TX (1987-1999)

Associate Professor of Medicine, UT-Southwestern (1993-1998)

Professor of Medicine, UT-Southwestern (1998-1999)

Senior Scientific Advisor, Translational Biology, KUH, NIDDK (1999-present)

Clinical Professor, George Washington University (2000-present)

Project Officer, VA-NIDDK Acute Renal Failure Trial Network Study (2002-2006)

Senior Advisor for Clinical Research, Office of Science Policy and Planning, Office of the Director, NIH (2002-2005)

Member, Roadmap Re-engineering the Clinical Research Enterprise Committee (2003-2006)

Member, NIH Roadmap Networks/Informatics Implementation Working Group (2003-2006)

Member, Roadmap Regional Translational Centers Implementation Working Group (2003-2005)

Program officer, NIH Roadmap Multi-disciplinary Clinical Research Career Development Program (2003-2006)

Program officer, Roadmap Predoctoral Clinical Research Training Programs (2004-2006)

Contract Scientist, Development of a conceptual model and assessment of the feasibility of a National Clinical Research Associates (NCRA) Program (2003-2006)

Member, NIH Multiple Principal Investigators Committee (2004-2006)

Member, NIH Clinical Research Efficiency Subcommittee (2005-2006)

Senior Advisor for Clinical and Translational Sciences, NCRR (2005)

Chair, Trans-NIH Committee on Clinical and Translational Sciences (2005)

Chair, NIDDK Clinical Studies Working Group Sub-committee on R34/U01 grant (2005-2006)

Chair, Search committee for NKEDP Director, NIDDK (2005-2006)

Project Officer, Frequent Hemodialysis Study (2006)

Page last updated: September 15, 2010

General inquiries may be addressed to:
Office of Communications & Public Liaison
Bldg 31, Rm 9A06
31 Center Drive, MSC 2560
Bethesda, MD 20892-2560

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