JPO Logo

Joint Pipeline Office


JPO's Vision: To work proactively with Alaska's oil and gas industry to safely operate, protect the environment, and continue transporting oil and gas in compliance with legal requirements.

HotLine: 800-764-5070 JPO hosts a toll-free hotline for people to anonymously report concerns. Names of callers are kept confidential to the maximum extent provided by law. JPO staff are not given this information unless it is needed to resolve the issue and the caller gives permission for its release.

Quick Links

Employee Directory
Agencies of the JPO
JPO BLM NEPA Documents
Photo Gallery
Office Locations & Contacts
Alyeska Pipeline Service Company
JPO Executive Council Agreement
JPO Operational Agreement

Of Interest

TAPS Federal Agreement & Grant of ROW
TAPS State ROW Lease & Amendments
JPO Executive Council Agreement
JPO Operational Agreement

TAGS Grant of ROW
TAGS Record of Decision

Goverment Employment
Federal | State

What's New


New SPCO Website

The State Pipeline Coordinator's Office recently expanded its online presence with all-new web pages in the Alaska Department of Natural Resources website.

"We hope this website will be a convenient and useful tool for the public and our industry and government partners," said State Pipeline Coordinator Mike Thompson. "We plan to continuously update the site to provide timely and relevant information to our audience."

The website features current and historic news and information about oil and gas pipeline right-of-way leases and compliance and monitoring activities.

State Pipeline Coordinator’s Office

Tanana Suspension Bridge

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Please send your suggestions or comments to JPO
Page Updated 10/17/2012

State Pipeline Coordinator Office
Office of Pipeline Monitoring

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