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NRC Open Government Plan Performance Dashboard

As part of Evaluating Our Progress, consistent with the guidance provided by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has developed a Performance Dashboard to track the agency’s progress in meeting the milestones set forth in our Open Government Plan. The Dashboard presented on this page reflects the target and actual number of high-value datasets published, other milestones, and performance ratings for the following years:

For each quarter, the performance ratings are based on the following criteria:

Green exclamation point signifying: Exceeded the Established Milestone Exceeded the Established Milestone
Green dot signifying: Met the Established Milestone Met the Established Milestone
Yellow upside-down triangle signifying: Demonstrated Progress toward the Established Milestone Demonstrated Progress toward the Established Milestone
Red octagon (stop) signifying: Failed to Meet the Established Milestone Failed to Meet the Established Milestone

2010 Performance Ratings

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Target Actual Rating Target Actual Rating
Q2 2010



Green exclamation point signifying: Exceeded the Established Milestone



Green dot signifying: Met the Established Milestone

NRC's Open Government Plan ranked 12th of 39 agencies exit icon scored by public interest advocacy groups.

Q3 2010 11 17 Green exclamation point signifying: Exceeded the Established Milestone 1 1 Green dot signifying: Met the Established Milestone

Timeliness release measure revised.

Dataset publication goal exceeded.

Staff recognized for contributions to NRC's Open Government Plan.

Chairman briefed on proposals to engage stakeholders through social media.

Capacity for Web-casting increased.

Q4 2010 1 2 Green exclamation point signifying: Exceeded the Established Milestone 6 6 Green dot signifying: Met the Established Milestone

MeriTalk's 2010 Merit Award recognizes NRC's collaboration & transparency efforts.

Google-based Unified Public Web Search now enables users to perform a single search to retrieve publicly available documents, items of interest, and other content across the NRC’s entire public Web site, as well as the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS). (Milestone moved from 3rd Qtr.)

NRC Blog on schedule for January release, use of IdeaScale sunset.

Reactor Status Dataset most visited. Licensee Event Report Search (LERSearch) available from Tools Catalog. NRC High-Value Dataset Metrics (dataset download statistics) available in Microsoft Excel format.

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2011 Performance Ratings

Target Actual Rating Target Actual Rating
Q1 2011 0 0 Green dot signifying: Met the Established Milestone 5 5 Green dot signifying: Met the Established Milestone

Blog debuted on January 31, 2011 (on schedule). NRC’s approach used as model for other agencies.

Blog usage high after Japan event:

  • 3,000 views over 1st weekend.
  • >5,500 views (peak) in 1 day.
  • >60,000 total views from 1/31/11 thru 3/28/11
  • Site performance not affected.

Web usage high after Japan event:

  • Site requests increased up to 4 times normal.
  • Site performance not affected.

As a result of the Japan event, staff provided access to YouTube and Twitter to improve information access.

NRC ranked 11th out of 32 Federal agencies in terms of transparency in the ForeSee Results E-Government Transparency Index.

Reactor Inspection Reports highlighted on Data.gov rotating pane.

NRC published first tool (LERSearch) for simplified access to Licensee Event Reports.

Stakeholders encouraged to identify additional High-Value Datasets and to share the value they have received from the agency’s Open Government program.

Sunshine Week highlighted on NRC’s public Open Government Web site, as well as internally.

Q2 2011 0 3 Green exclamation point signifying: Exceeded the Established Milestone 1 1 Green dot signifying: Met the Established Milestone

Three additional high value datasets identified and published.

Migration to NG Data.Gov complete.

Blog visits to date, approaching 100,000. Approximately 370 views per day since the blog debuted on January 28, 2011; however, recent posts on the Missouri River flooding pushed this average to more than 1,000 views per day.

Web usability scores continue to improve:

  • Content Satisfaction reached a new high of 83 (up 4 points since March).
  • Look-and-Feel reached a new high of 78 (up 4 points since March, most likely as a result of the Public Site Redesign).
  • All five Future Behavior scores increased 4–6 points since March.
  • Online Transparency (a key Open Government metric) reached a new high of 78, exceeding the overall Federal Government score of 76, the Regulatory Agency score of 73, and the scores of all Executive Department agencies except DOD (79).
Q3 2011 4 4 Green dot signifying: Met the Established Milestone 0 0 Green dot signifying: Met the Established Milestone

NRC recognized by OpentheGovernment.Org for posting staff directories, reports to Congress, speeches, and testimony to our Open Government website.

Twitter goes live! On August 26th, the NRC launched its Twitter Feed. Within 2 days, 400 followers were onboard, and agency tweets were being “retweeted” by many different individuals and organizations, greatly expanding the reach. Tweets are sent with each new blog post and press release, as well as for other reasons.

The Blog continues to be a very important crisis communication tool. During the week of August 22nd, blog posts included earthquake response information and hurricane preparation information. Blog views since inception exceed 122,000!

On September 8th, the NRC l began posting videos on YouTube. The NRC YouTube Channel can be reached at www.youtube.com/NRCgov or through the NRC website. The first video posted is a 9/11 remembrance first premiered at the agency's 9/11 commemoration, where NRC employees talked about their 9/11 experiences. YouTube joins Twitter and the NRC blog as social media tools the NRC is using to communicate with the public in new and meaningful ways. The NRC anticipates posting small segments of some important past Commission briefings, some videos previously produced but not extensively distributed, and new content.

In response to Executive Order 13571, “Streamlining Service Delivery and Improving Customer Service,” NRC is developing its Customer Service Plan to be posted to our Open Government website on October 24, 2011.

Of the datasets posted to Data.gov, the three most frequently downloaded are U.S. Nuclear Power Reactor Plant Status, U.S. Commercial Nuclear Power Reactor Demographic Data, and Nuclear Power Plant Inspection Reports.

Q4 2011 1 2 Green dot signifying: Met the Established Milestone 1 1 Green dot signifying: Met the Established Milestone Published the Operating Reactor Performance Indicators Dataset and Data Dictionary on October 17, 2011 (scheduled date: September 2011).
Published the Generic Issues Dataset and Data Dictionary on November 22, 2011.  (Although originally scheduled for September 2011, publication of this dataset was deferred until Q4 2011 as a result of the nuclear crisis in Japan, and our plan was amended accordingly.)
In accordance with the Open Government Directive, the NRC will update its Open Government Plan in April 2012. To gain stakeholder input, our Open Government Advisory Council hosted meetings with staff and external stakeholders on November 9th and December 6th, respectively. To allow for maximum participation, the external Stakeholder Feedback Meeting was conducted via Webinar.
As communication methods evolve, so too does the NRC’s outreach to stakeholders. In recent days, the NRC broke what for us is new ground on the social media front. In cooperation with the American Nuclear Society (ANS) and Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR), we hosted two Webinar sessions for bloggers to interact with NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko on October 4, 2011 (91 minutes) and October 6, 2011 (68 minutes). ANS and PSR provided organizational assistance, getting the word out to the various communities of bloggers and others interested in nuclear policy issues. Daniel Yurman (ANS) and Michele Boyd (PSR) graciously agreed to act as facilitators.
The Sunlight Foundation published its assessment of agency compliance with commitments made in Open Government plans. See Obama's Open Government Directive, Two Years On.
The NRC implemented a "Standard Protocol for Communicating with States and Tribes About Unintended Releases of Radioactive Material." This Standard Protocol incorporates lessons learned from stakeholder feedback provided during groundwater workshops and briefings held in 2010 and 2011 and was used in December 2011 to notify Tennessee about leaks at the Sequoyah nuclear power plant.

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2012 Performance Ratings

Target Actual Rating Target Actual Rating
Q1 2012 N/A N/A Green dot signifying: Met the Established Milestone 2 2 Green dot signifying: Met the Established Milestone At the annual Regulatory Information Conference (RIC) on March 13–15, 2012, attended by more than 3,000 participants from 34 countries, the agency’s Open Government initiatives were highlighted. A poster, entitled “Open Government — Two Years In,” and a tabletop presentation, entitled “Public Affairs – Sharing information through Social Media,” illustrated how our Open Government program continues to enhance the agency’s commitment to transparency and integrates public participation and collaboration into our regulatory activities. As part of our Mobile NRC initiative (our new Flagship Initiative), we used Quick Response (QR) codes on event materials to provide mobile device users with enhanced access to RIC materials.
Eliot Brenner, Director of the NRC’s Office of Public Affairs, discussed the agency's approach to public communication at a workshop held in Austria by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Attendees included representatives from Bangladesh, Iran, Iraq, Indonesia, Israel, Jordan, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines Sri Lanka, Syria, Thailand, Vietnam, and Yemen. For more information on NRC support to U.S. interests abroad, see International Programs.
In April, the NRC will publish the latest addendum to its Open Government Plan, first issued in April 2010. This addendum provides the roadmap for the agency's program over the next 2 years. Our Milestone Inventory will be updated to reflect planned initiatives over the next 2 years.
In a Staff Requirements Memorandum (SRM), dated March 21, 2012, the Commission approved the staff’s plans for ongoing engagement with the public and other stakeholders on matters related to the nuclear crisis in Japan. For additional detail, see the staff’s recommendations (SECY-12-0010), dated January 23, 2012.
Social Media — How are we doing? Our statistics on the use of our Social Media initiatives (blog, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, LinkedIn) suggest we are doing just fine. Through March 2012, we have posted 169 blog entires, approved 1,050 comments, and attracted 187,000 visits. We count 1,500 Twitter followers, and have sent 289 “tweets.” We’ve also posted 40 video/audio clips to YouTube, have 128 regular subscribers, and counted 9,200 visits.  In addition, we count 2,366 LinkedIn followers of 60 NRC staff.
Q2 2012 N/A N/A N/A 2 2 Green dot signifying: Met the Established Milestone The NRC was one of five agencies recognized by the U.S. Department of Justice for exemplary efforts in implementing the Attorney General’s FOIA Guidelines.
On April 26, 2012, the NRC’s senior managers met with office directors for the Spring Senior Leadership Meeting at the Professional Development Center in Bethesda. Discussions centered around 12 special focus areas, including “Open Government and Stakeholder Outreach.” Eliot Brenner (Director, Office of Public Affairs) discussed various initiatives the agency is undertaking to expand the use of social media, including a new public Blog and YouTube channel (which now has 42 video clips, with more than 12,000 views), as well as a Twitter feed and Flickr gallery. He then played one of the agency’s YouTube videos, which demonstrates NRC efforts to expand Open Government and better engage our stakeholders.
Like most people, the NRC usually focuses on the negative feedback we receive, in order to drive improvements to our public website. However, every so often, we receive a thoughtful compliment regarding our site from a member of the public. On May 30, 2012, we happened to receive several through our Site Satisfaction Survey, including the following examples:
  • "This is the most useful, user friendly, and comprehensively thorough presentation of related documents that I have found on any government Web site in over 30 years of volunteer research for public interest groups and law firms. Thanks for a job well done."
  • "Thanks for organizing information and making it readily available. There is no other way of accessing most of what is on the NRC site."

The Office of Administration (ADM) and Office of Information Services (OIS) have prepared guidance and standards for the use of Quick Response (QR) codes on agency documents. These QR codes are matrix barcodes containing a large amount of information. This information can be quickly accessed by smartphone users with a barcode reader "app" that scans the QR code with the phone’s built-in camera. For more information, see Public Information? There’s an App for That! (NRC Blog, 9/27/2011).
Q3 2012 N/A     N/A      
Q4 2012 N/A     N/A      

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, July 20, 2012