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información de Apelaciones

Important Information for LMI Customers

Alert! Employer Alert-Phishing Scam!
Our agency has been notified of a potential scam involving a company that is attempting to take advantage of recent natural disasters by notifying employers that one of their employees has filed a claim for Disaster Unemployment Assistance. Click Here for more information.

For more information on Voluntary Tax Contribution by Employers, please visit Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Alert! The Demand Driven Data Delivery System (D4) allows easy focused access to the five Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) programs, Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS), Current Employment Statistics (CES), Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW), Occupational Employment Statistics (OES), and Announced Business Closings and Permanent Layoffs. These programs include data on the labor force, industry employment and wages, occupational wages and business closings.

Services & Resources
opens a new browser window D4 – Demand Driven Data Delivery System
Consolidated occupational, wage, industry and labor force data.
opens a new browser window D4 User Guide - Quick tutorial for the new D4 system

Workforce Information
Labor Force Statistics -
   Employed,Unemployed & Unemployment Rate
          Release Schedule
   Insured Unemployment Statistics
   Job Applicants Registered with ESC
   Quarterly Workforce Indicators Local Employment
   Announced Business Closings and Layoffs
ES/UI Operations
Information Access Tools
opens a new browser window Workforce In-Depth
opens a new browser window Local Employment Dynamics Program  LED
opens a new browser window NC STARS NC State Training Accountability and
      Reporting System
opens a new browser window O*NET
opens a new browser window American Community Survey
Industry Information
Employment and Wages by Industry
North Carolina's Largest Employers
Monthly Employment Hours & Earnings Current
       Employment Statistics
NC Industry Projections 2008-2018
opens a new browser window Business Employment Dynamics(BED) News
Career Management Tools
opens a new browser window NC Career Resource Network State Occupational
       Information Coordinating Committee (SOICC)
Career Planning Resources
       opens a new browser window Job Search
       opens a new browser window Career Exploration
       opens a new browser window Self-Assessment
       opens a new browser window Career Resources
Career Choices 2009-2010
Occupational Information
Employment and Wages by Occupation Wage Rates
NC Occupational Projections 2008-2018
opens a new browser window Occupations Requiring a License
Affirmative Action Packets
Statistical Links
opens a new browser window Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
opens a new browser window Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
opens a new browser window Log Into North Carolina (LINC)
opens a new browser window NC Department of Commerce
opens a new browser window Office of State Budget and Management
opens a new browser window U.S. Census Bureau
Publications, Research & Reports
NC Today
Labor Market Conditions
Insight: North Carolina's Labor and
      Economic Outlook
Workforce Development Boards LMI
      Updates and Brochures
MAPS created by LMI
ES/UI Operations
ESC Monthly Activity Report
UI Activities
Career Choices 2009-2010
opens a new browser window Career Choices User's Guide
opens a new browser window Family Tool Kit
opens a new browser window North Carolina Career Pathway Posters