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Tim Scott

Tim Scott
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  1. Recent Posts by Others on Tim ScottSee All
      12 hours ago
    • Can you get our Charleston TV stations back for us in Beaufort? Hargray's story is that it was a FCC decision to put us in the Savannah media market. We get no South Carolina news, and with the new district lines, you'd have to buy both markets if you ever have opposition. Thanks
      13 hours ago
    •  http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Journalism/2012/09/11/Media-Covers-Up-Romney-Closing-Favorability-Gender-Gaps
      19 hours ago
    •  http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Journalism/2012/09/11/Media-Covers-Up-Romney-Closing-Favorability-Gender-Gaps
      19 hours ago
    • What is being done about the embassy terrorist attacks in Cairo? No BS.
      11 · 21 hours ago
  2. 368,000 people gave up looking for work in August. That's not a recovery, but it is an outcome of Democrats blocking 32 jobs bills in the Senate.
  3. My heart goes out to the family of Ambassador Stevens, Mr. Smith and the two others killed in Libya. I condemn these horrible attacks.
  4. Helped pack USO care packages with my colleague Congressman Blake Farenthold following the 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony. God Bless our Troops!
    Photo: Helped pack USO care packages with my colleague Congressman Blake Farenthold following the 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony. God Bless our Troops!
  5. Joined my colleagues on the Capitol steps for the 9/11 Congressional Remembrance Ceremony. We Will Never Forget.
    Photo: Joined my colleagues on the Capitol steps for the 9/11 Congressional Remembrance Ceremony. We Will Never Forget.
  6. The World Trade Center and Pentagon Memorials. We will never forget.
  7. I hope you will all join me today in thanking our firefighters, police officers and first responders for what they do to protect us all, in honor of their colleagues who lost their lives in New York. I hope you will stand with me in praying for our active duty troops and veterans who have served since that fateful day, in honor of both the sacrifices they make for us and the memory of those who lost their lives in the Pentagon. And I hope you will take time to remember the families of those who lost their lives in New York, Washington and Shanksville, ensuring we will never forget those who died 11 years ago today.
  8. What were you doing 30 years ago? That's the last time our labor force participation rate was this low. Too many have simply given up looking for work. The fuzzy math of the unemployment rate can't hide that.
  9. Last month, the President signed a bill into law requiring he give a plan for dealing with sequestration within 30 days. Today he ignored it, citing "complicating factors."

    Funny - not having a plan isn't complicated, it's just bad governing.
  10. The unemployment rate for women is up 16 percent under President Obama. Tell me - who's waging a war on who again?
  11. The House budget fully funds our veterans programs, and in fact does so more than the President's budget over 10 years. We will always be thankful for the sacrifices our veterans have made, and we will keep our promises to them. Thank you to every man and women who has served the United States of America.
  12. The national debt just hit $16 trillion. When will the President and Senate realize that out of control spending is dragging us down? Join us in passing a budget!
  13. As it stands, we sit 123 days away from a $4 trillion tax increase. In the House, we have voted to stop the tax hike and protect American families and jobs from this taxmaggedon. Will the Senate join us, or are they willing to sacrifice Americans' quality of life for a supposed political gain?
  14. Let me know: what do you think is the most important issue facing our nation as Congress moves towards the final four months of this session?
  15. Prayers are with the Gulf Coast today. Hoping for the best, know Governors Jindal, Bryant and Bentley have their states prepared.
  16. The economy contracted again last quarter. We have real solutions that will provide the opportunity for all Americans to succeed. The other side simply wants the government to succeed.
  17. The Congressional Budget Office projects a fourth straight year of trillion dollar deficits. That's $9500/American household. We MUST get serious about cutting spending.
  18. Hope and change? More like the Obama Variety Hour - just a song and dance. We need real solutions (like the multitude of bills we've passed in the House) to kickstart our economy, not rhetoric.

Earlier in September

Earlier in August

Earlier in 2012