Leadership Schools

Every Soldier understands the value of good leadership. Your leadership skills can have a big influence on your promotions within the Guard and on your civilian career. The Guard offers courses designed to help you become a more effective leader at every level, in any situation.

If you’re interested in real-world training, improving your leadership and management skills, and advancing your military career, you’ll want to take advantage of the opportunities offered through these special schools.

  •  Warrior Leader Course (WLC) – This two-week course trains Soldiers in the fundamentals of leadership. Through this first-line leader course, a Soldier transitions to a Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) Noncommissioned Officer (NCO):
    An enlisted Soldier, usually a sergeant, appointed to a rank of leadership over other lower-ranking personnel.
    , gaining the knowledge and skills that will enable them to become a technically and tactically proficient leader.

  • Advanced Leader Course (ALC) - Phase 1 ALC represents the second level of NCO Professional Military Education. Section and squad leaders become masters of their Military Occupational Specialties (MOSs) as well as expert trainers and training managers. ALC focuses on leading and training inside the platoon and provides the initial exposure to core staff skills needed inside the battalion level.

  • Senior Leader Course (SLC) - Phase 1 SLC represents the third level of NCO Professional Military Education. This course is focused on equipping the platoon sergeant for leading and training at the company level and expanding the NCO’s staff skills to those needed at the brigade level.

  • First Sergeants Course (FSC) - is a scenario-driven, performance-oriented course of instruction designed to prepare Sergeants First Class and Master Sergeants for positions of responsibility as unit First Sergeants.

  • Sergeants Major Course (SGM Course) – is the capstone of the Noncommissioned Officer Education System (NCOES) that aims to produce senior NCOs with the ability to lead in combat and manage at battalion and higher levels.