Take the ENERGY STAR Challenge

Create an ENERGY STAR Challenge Team

Creating a team is an important element in developing, implementing, and promoting your participation in the ENERGY STAR Challenge. Assemble the team that best suits your needs and fits with your available resources.

Download the “Create a Challenge Team” PDF PDF (1.59MB)


1. Top level official or executive:

County Commissioner
Chief Executive Officer
President of Organization
Neighborhood Board Member
School Principal
Support from the highest level shows the commitment you have to improving energy use and to motivating others to do the same. This support can be used to engage your community at all levels.

2. Someone involved in how the buildings are operated:

Energy Manager
Facilities Manager
Environmental Manager
Sustainability Coordinator

An energy manager, facilities manager, environmental manager, or sustainability coordinator can be key in helping improve the energy performance of the buildings in your community. They can help set internal policies and practices that will help reduce energy consumption, and they can be the ones to track the progress of these efforts.

These individuals can also help train members within the community on tools and resources available to help improve energy performance. They can host in-person events for different parts of the community (e.g. hospitals, schools, corporations), Web conferences on different subjects related to energy management, and gather support from other groups that have similar energy and environmental goals.

3. Someone to work with the media:

Communications Specialist
Public Relations Specialist
Someone from communications or public relations can help promote your successes in energy efficiency to the community and can also use materials from the ENERGY STAR Challenge Toolkit.

4. Someone who works with the broader community:

Community Development
Community Outreach
Economic Development
This individual can help engage the broader community on why improving their energy performance matters and how they and their community can benefit from doing so.

5. Someone from the Planning and Zoning Department

Planning and zoning offices may help create incentives for builders that incorporate energy efficiency into their designs.