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ENERGY STAR Focus on Energy Efficiency in Iron and Steel Manufacturing

Annual Iron and Steel Manufacturing Focus, 2010 group photograph

Annual Iron and Steel Manufacturing Focus, 2010

What is the Iron and Steel Manufacturing Focus?

The Focus is a partnership between US EPA’s ENERGY STAR program and iron and steel manufacturers to improve energy efficiency.

How does the Focus improve energy efficiency?

EPA helps iron and steel manufacturers overcome barriers to using energy efficiently and provides energy management resources unique to this industry. In all cases, strategic corporate energy management is promoted as the basis for achieving long-term, sustained energy savings.

Who may participate?

Any iron and steel manufacturer with plants in the U.S may participate.

Energy management tools and resources

EPA’s ENERGY STAR Iron and Steel Manufacturing Focus has tools and resources to help you improve energy efficiency, save money, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Score the energy performance of your iron and steel manufacturing plant.

A plant energy performance indicator (EPI) is under study by the iron and steel manufacturers and EPA. EPI’s are corporate and industry-wide plant standards that enable you to assess how efficiently your plants use energy, relative to similar plants nationwide. The EPI’s use basic plant information to provide a percentile ranking of the plant’s energy efficiency by comparing it to the industry’s average and "efficient" plants (defined as performance that is better than 75% of the plants in the industry).

For more information on the plant EPI, contact Gale Boyd, Duke University at gab7@econ.duke.edu.

Improve the energy efficiency of your iron and steel manufacturing plant.

EPA's energy guide, Energy Efficiency Improvement and Cost Saving Opportunities for the U.S. Iron and Steel Industry discusses energy efficiency practices and technologies that can be implemented right now in your iron and steel plants.

Develop a corporate energy strategy.

Energy Strategy for the Road Ahead is a groundbreaking report that guides companies through the process of evaluating future energy risks and enables them to set a robust energy strategy for the future.

Build a corporate energy management program.

EPA’s ENERGY STAR Guidelines for Energy Management outlines the steps for creating a corporate energy management program.

Assess your energy management program.

EPA’s Energy Management Assessment Matrix is a quick and easy way to compare your corporate energy practices to those outlined in the Guidelines for Energy Management and help you identify areas for improvement.

Network and learn from iron and steel manufacturing energy managers.

Energy managers from iron and steel manufacturing companies participating in the ENERGY STAR focus meet annually to network among themselves and learn together about the challenges confronting energy management in their businesses and identify solutions.

Participating Organizations

  • AK Steel *
  • ArcelorMittal USA **
  • ATI Allegheny Ludlum
  • Republic Engineered Products
  • SeverCorr *
  • SeverStal *
  • Sunoco **
  • U.S. Steel *

* denotes ENERGY STAR Partners

** denotes ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year awardees