
Diablo III: The post-release rush

Its been 12 long years since the last time I told this girl scout I didnt want any cookies. Courtesy of Blizzard

The Stripes gaming team had a fiendishly fun time with Diablo III this week. Because we have to rush through games quickly, and because of space limitations, there’s usually a fair bit left unsaid when the review hits the paper. This record-setting PC title, however, has had a bit more news than usual.

First off: The land of WhimsyShire tries its best to counter our argument that the game is rather drab and muted until the magic gets flying. Just look at all those rainbows!

Second: “Development Hell” suggests we weren’t the only ones a little stressed while rushing through the lower depths.

More seriously: Blizzard says the online, real-money auction house needs “a bit more time to iron out the existing general stability and gameplay issues before that feature goes live.” Many commentators translate this as coming from two things: the game experience isn’t stable enough yet to support the feature, and too many accounts are getting hacked at this point. Use that account authenticator, people. It’s not just the ponies who are up to no good in this game.


About the Authors

Brian Bowers is Stars and Stripes’ features editor and one of its video game reviewers. He joined the newspaper in 1992 in Germany, where he worked on the news desk and the city desk. He has a wife and three children, who are always eager to help him test games.

Sam Laney joined Stars and Stripes’ in 2007 as a copy/layout editor, and slowly convinced upper management that video games existed. Since then, he’s added game reviews and previews to his list of duties. When he’s not rocking newbies in “Left4Dead2,” he plays other games on PC and various Nintendo systems.