United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment

Nuclear Power Plant Fire Protection - Fire-Hazards Analysis (Subsystems Study Task 4) (NUREG/CR-0654)

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Publication Information

Dennis L. Berry Earl E. Minor

Manuscript Submitted: January 1979
Date Published: September 1979

Sandia Laboratories Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185
operated by Sandia Corporation.

for the U.S. Department of Energy

Prepared for
Engineering Methodology Standards Branch
Office of Standards Development
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Washington, DC 20555
Under Interagency Agreement DOE 40-550-75
NRC FIN No. A-1080

Availability Notice


This report examines the adequacy of existing fire-hazards analysis methodology in the context of nuclear power plant safety. By combining and simplifying a number of available analysis techniques and by demonstrating the technical merit of each technique, this report develops a conservative fire-hazards analysis method which can be easily used by both designers and regulators. As described, a suitable analysis method for nuclear power plants should involve three phases. These are: (1) a deterministic evaluation of passive fire barriers under limiting fuel load and ventilation conditions; (2) a probabilistic evaluation of supplementary fire protection measures (e.g., suppressions systems); and (3) a subjective evaluation of unquantified fire hazard conditions (e.g., cable arrangements). An example of each analysis phase is provided.

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