Rachael Yeargin and Michelle Anderson, high school JROTC Cadets (:35)

Success Story: 1SG (Ret.) George Moss, JROTC instructor (:52)

Still In High School (:30)

Split Training Option

This program lets you join the Guard while you’re still in high school.

Here’s how it works: You enlist while you’re still a junior (you must be 17 years old to enlist and have parent or guardian permission), finish that year and attend Basic Combat Training Basic Combat Training:
Basic Combat Training (BCT) is a 10-week course of intense physical and mental training, during which recruits develop essential Soldier skills, discipline and values.
 during the summer between your junior and senior year.

You’ll return to school for your senior year, during which you’ll train one weekend a month with your local unit. The summer following graduation, you’ll attend Advanced Individual Training Advanced Individual Training:
(AIT) Following Basic Training, Soldiers attend AIT to learn a military job skill. Depending on the specialty, training ranges from 1 month to 1 year.
  and train for your Guard job (your MOS MOS:
Military Occupational Specialty—Guard speak for “your job.” Every job title in the Guard has a code, using a number and letter. For example, a Cavalry Scout is MOS 19D (19 Delta).
). In most cases, you should be home in time to start college in the fall.

It’s a great way to start serving and a great part-time job during school. For complete details, contact your local recruiter.


Note: Army National Guard programs and benefits are subject to change. For the latest information, please contact your local recruiter.