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Lining up MC4 Training with ARFORGEN

August 26, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

For the past few years, we've been making strategic overhauls in how we address the training needs and requirements of MC4 users. We’ve engaged a variety of units and leaders at various points in their deployment cycle, produced and advocated ownership of sustainment training materials and fully-embraced the Army’s “train as you fight” mantra to better prepare units for MC4 use down range.

In the field we've realigned our resources, reprioritized training services and met with leadership to align what we’re doing with the greater Army training cycle—Army Force Generation (ARFORGEN) and the Army Training Strategy (ATS). Now I bring to you the MC4 Training Strategy in paperback.

The strategy outlines initial training in addition to underlying strategies for individual sustainment and collective training.  Additionally, MC4 training enablers are synchronized with ARFORGEN and the Army’s training domains thus facilitating a comprehensive and measured approach to unit readiness through sequential training events.

Units should begin aggressively incorporating MC4 training a year in advance of deployment. New equipment training (NET) conducted during the Reset cycle will assist commanders in achieving operational capability in the shortest time practical by training Soldiers how to operate and maintain the new/improved equipment.

After NET, units should continue focusing on individual skills sustainment as well as initiate small staff and collective training. Staff exercises (STAFFEXs) or situational training exercise (STXs) will aid the progression to unit training events ranging from command post exercise (CPXs) to field training exercise (FTXs) to help prepare for deployment. MC4’s forward support representatives (FSRs) located oversees will facilitate the transition of deploying units.

For a refresher on the ARFORGEN cycle, read the 2010 Army Posture Statement on ARFORGEN or reference an article from 2009. It explains that "In the Reset phase, Soldiers will return from deployment, have some down-time to re-connect with their families, and return to their regular training schedule. During the Train/Ready phase, units begin to train more extensively, are eligible for deployment, and begin preparing for a specific overseas mission. Finally, in Available, Soldiers are ready for deployment. Once a unit deploys and returns to their home station, the cycle repeats itself.”

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