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Nuke Tested, Government Approved

August 29, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

If a chemical, biological or nuclear event takes place in the U.S., according to our records Army responders will be able to chart medical care and restock supplies electronically. That is, as long as the generators fire up to power the laptops and servers.

Nuke Tested

Last month, users gained valuable hands-on experience to electronically notate patient care and order medical supplies during two exercises, Operations Vibrant Response and Global Medic. Incorporating MC4 into scenarios and field exercises strengthens a unit's mission readiness, while preparing users for future missions.

Active duty, Reserve and National Guard units utilized MC4 systems during Operation Vibrant Response, a two-week disaster relief scenario conducted at Camp Atterbury, Ind., and two nearby locations. The 448th Medical Logistics (MEDLOG) Company provided support for the exercise. Because the unit trained on MC4 systems one month prior, they were online and ready to fulfill class VIII orders within one hour of their arrival at the exercise.

Global Medic tests the operational readiness of Reserve medical units. Throughout the week-long exercise conducted at multiple locations throughout the U.S., clinicians used MC4 systems while being immersed in live and simulated, battle-focused scenarios.

As with the relief efforts for JTF-Katrina and Haiti, it's exercises like these where people come to appreciate the store-and-forward capability of MC4 in low to no-communication areas.

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