Issuance Process
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STAGE 1A: Draft the Issuance
STAGE 1B: Coordinate Internally
  • Edit and revise the documents, accordingly. If rejecting changes or recommendations, discuss with the Directives Division editor.
  • Get the WHS Form 2 for Internal Coordination signed by the ODA&M, PFPA, or WHS Component Director or Deputy of your office.
  • Route the signed WHS Form 2, a copy of the revised draft issuance, and a blank SD Form 818, "Comments Matrix for DoD Issuances" in the Staff Action Control and Coordination Portal (SACCP), for internal coordination. See DA&M Coordination E-mails if you are not using SACCP.
  • Set the suspense according to the length of the issuance and the urgency of the action (a minimum suspense of 10 workdays is customary).
  • Confirm coordinations received are authorized by an approved DA&M authorized coordinator.
  • Review and adjudicate comments and consolidate them into a single SD Form 818 as they are received. Revise your issuance accordingly.
STAGE 2A: Precoordination Review
  • E-mail to (unclassified) or (classified) for Directives Division:
    • Signed WHS Form 2 used for Internal Coordination
    • Clean Microsoft Word copy of the revised issuance
    • Unsigned SD Form 106, "DoD Directives Program Coordination Record"
    • Unsigned WHS Form 2 for Formal Coordination (ESD Form 2 or Non ESD Form 2)
    • List of DA&M Coord Officials
    • Consolidated SD Form 818
    • Internal coordinations received, including comments (Adobe .pdf version).
  • Your Directives Division editor will review and edit the documents to make sure they are consistent with DoD guidance and standards.
STAGE 2B: Precoordination Edit
  • Edit and revise the documents accordingly. If rejecting changes or recommendations, discuss with your Directives Division editor.
STAGE 2C: Legal Objection Review
  • E-mail the revised documents submitted in the precoordination review to (unclassified) or (classified) to post to the Directives Portal System.
  • Your Directives Division editor will review the issuance to make sure it is ready for release to the Office of General Counsel (OGC). When the issuance has been released to OGC, you'll get an e-mail notification that includes the suspense date.
  • OGC will perform a legal objection review of your issuance and post the results to the portal.
  • If the issuance is legally objectionable, OGC will provide instructions to bring it into compliance with law.  Don't make any changes other than those requested by OGC or a second OGC review may be needed.
STAGE 2D: SD Form 106 Signature
  • After adjudicating OGC's recommendations (if any), submit the WHS Form 2 Formal Coordination package (documents listed below) for electronic signature by your director or his or her deputy.
    • Unsigned WHS Form 2 for Formal Coordination (ESD Form 2 or Non ESD Form 2)
    • Unsigned SD Form 106
    • Clean Microsoft Word copy of the issuance
    • List of DA&M Coord Officials
    • Consolidated SD Form 818 (internal comments)
    • Any electronic copies of WHS, PFPA, and ODA&M internal coordinations, including comments, not submitted during precoordination edit
    • Blank copy of the SD Form 818 to be used for formal coordination on the portal
  • E-mail to (unclassified) or (classified) the formal coordination package after obtaining signature on the WHS Form 2.
  • Your Directives Division editor will review the issuance to make sure it's ready for release for formal coordination. If the formal coordination package is correct and complete, the Directives Division will forward it via SACCP to the DA&M or Director, WHS for SD106 signature.
STAGE 3A: Coordinate Via Portal
  • Your Directives Division editor will post the issuance to the portal. When the issuance has been released for coordination, you'll get an e-mail notification that includes the suspense date.
  • The portal will send you e-mails as coordination responses are posted. Contact the Portal Manager at if you need help.
  • See "Offices with Access to DoD Directives Portal." You must send the coordination package to any coordinators not on this list and are responsible for getting their response.
STAGE 3B: Adjudicate and Revise
  • Confirm coordinations received are authorized using the "Component-Specific List of Positions Authorized or Delegated Authority to Coordinate on DoD Issuances."
  • Review and adjudicate comments in a consolidated SD Form 818, "Comments Matrix for DoD Issuances" as they are received and change your issuance accordingly.
  • If any comments seem legal in nature, work with the OGC lawyer who provided your legal objection review as you adjudicate them. Your Component Directives focal point will help if you don't have appropriate contact information.
  • Record only substantive and critical comments on the SD Form 818 (see instructions on page 2 of the form). If there are conflicts, make every effort to resolve them at the lowest level; your Component Directives focal point may assist in reconciling differences.
STAGE 3C: Legal Adjudication Review
  • Once you've finished adjudicating the comments and the issuance is revised, e-mail the issuance and consolidated SD Form 818 directly to the OGC lawyer who provided your legal objection review. Contact your Component Directives focal point if you don't have appropriate contact information.
  • The OGC lawyer will e-mail you the results of the review. If there are any legal issues, adjudicate recommendations and revise the issuance accordingly.
STAGE 4A: Presignature Review
  • E-mail the complete presignature package to (unclassified) or (classified):
    • Unsigned draft WHS Form 2 for Signature
    • Final draft of the new, revised, changed, or cancelled issuance
    • List of Coordinating Officials
    • Consolidated SD Form 818
    • Any coordinations and comments from coordinators that do not have access to the portal
    • Legal adjudication review (or documentation of review requests)
  • If the issuance is a directive, you must include:
    • An action memorandum from the DA&M to the Deputy Secretary recommending signature or approval.
    • If the directive is a reissuance, a summary of the changes made from the version currently published on the DoD Issuances Website.
  • Your Directives Division editor will review the package to make sure that all edits and formal coordination comments have been addressed.
STAGE 4B: Presignature Edit
  • Edit and revise the presignature package accordingly. If rejecting changes or recommendations, discuss with your Directives Division editor.
  • If a second presignature review is required, resubmit the presignature package (documents listed in Step 4A) to (unclassified) or (classified) for Directives Division review.
STAGE 4C: Legal Sufficiency Review
  • Send the revised presignature package to (unclassified) or (classified) to post to the Directives Portal System.
  • For reissued directives, don't include the copy of the issuance with track changes; OGC doesn't need to review it.
STAGE 4D: Security Review
STAGE 5A: Prepare for Signature
  • Send the final signature package (documents listed below) to your director or his or her deputy for their electronic signature on the WHS Form 2 for Signature.
  • E-mail to (unclassified) or (classified):
    • Signed WHS Form 2 for Signature
    • Action memo to DepSecDef (if the issuance is a directive)
    • Clean Microsoft Word copy of the issuance
    • Consolidated SD Form 818
    • List of Coordinating Officials
    • Copy of the issuance with track changes (if reissuing a current DoD Directive)
    • Legal sufficiency review
    • OSR approval, if applicable
  • If the package is correct and complete, the Directives Division will forward it via SACCP for signature.
STAGE 5B: Distribution
  • The Directives Division will publish issuances within 3 workdays of obtaining the signed hard copy final package and any other required documentation.
  • Unclassified issuances with a Unlimited distribution will be posted to the unclassified DoD Issuances Website:
  • Unclassified issuances with a Restricted distribution will be posted behind a CAC-enabled firewall on the unclassified DoD Issuances Website.
  • Classified issuances with a Restricted distribution and will be posted to the Secret Internet Protocol Router Network DoD Issuances Website:
  • The Directives Division Webmaster will e-mail the action officer of the issuance when the issuance has been published.


A. About Changes
  • (1) A change amends an existing DoD issuance and has the full authority of the issuance. A changed issuance retains its original date (initial publication or last coordinated revision) and its original signature.

  • (2) Changes to DoD issuances are permitted and encouraged during their respective life cycles (5 years for Directives, Instructions, and Manuals, 7 years for these issuances certified as current; 180 days for DTMs)

  • (3) If more than 25 percent of an issuance requires change, the entire issuance must be revised, coordinated, and reissued with a new date and signature.
B. Drafting Changes

To draft a change:

  • (1) Download the most current version of the issuance from the DoD Issuances Website. Save the Rich Text Format (RTF) file as an Microsoft (MS) Word document. If no RTF file is available, contact the Directives Division for assistance.

  • (2) Use the “Format Font” tools in MS Word to identify deleted information in red font with a red strike-through and to insert new information into the issuance in red italics. DO NOT use “Track Changes” for this function. ALWAYS show deleted text first, placing new text after the deleted text, if applicable. See CHANGES AND CANCELLATIONS in the “Training” section of the SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS complete instructions.
C. Entering a Releasability Statement

Releasability statements must be included in all DoD issuances posted to the NIPRNET (see PROCESSING DOD ISSUANCES). For guidance on determining releasability, go to DoDI 5230.29.

D. Processing Administrative Changes

An administrative change alters only nonsubstantive portions of an issuance such as titles and dates of references, and organizational names and symbols.

  • (1) Administrative changes do not require formal coordination. They do require an OGC legal sufficiency review (for Directives only) and, if applicable, a security review by the Office of Security Review (OSR).

  • (2) Follow established procedures within your Component to coordinate the draft changed issuance internally. Revise the issuance consistent with any internal coordination comments received, then assemble a package that includes:

    • (a) Unsigned Action Memo

    • (b) Attachments. At Tab A, the final draft of the changed issuance.

  • (3) Follow the standard procedures in Stage 2 to submit the package to DD for review. When following the standard procedures, the action memo will replace the SD Form 106.

  • (4) Upon receiving the review and incorporating changes and comments as appropriate, submit the issuance to OGC (Directives only) for a legal sufficiency review.

  • (5) Obtain a security review from OSR, if applicable.

  • (6) After the OSR review is complete, send the original hard copy package to your Component Head for signature on the action memo.

  • (7) When the DD, OGC, and the OSR (if applicable) reviews are complete, follow the standard procedures in Stage 5 to post the changed issuance to the DoD Issuances Website.

E. Processing Conforming Changes

All conforming changes to DoD issuances shall require formal coordination with the mandatory agencies (DoD Inspector General and the Director Administration and Management (DA&M)), OGC legal reviews and, if applicable, a security review by OSR. Follow established procedures within your Component to coordinate the draft changed issuance internally; then follow the standard procedures in Stages 2, 3, 4 and 5 to finalize the action.

F. Processing Substantive Changes

All substantive changes to DoD issuances shall be fully coordinated and shall require OGC legal reviews and, if applicable, a security review by OSR. Process substantive changes according to Standard Procedures in Stages 1 through 5.


A. About Cancellations

If, during review of a DoD issuance or at any other time, the owning Component determines the issuance has served its purpose, is no longer needed, and is not appropriate for incorporation into a new or existing issuance, the Component shall initiate its cancellation.

B. Processing Cancellations
  • (1) All cancellations shall be fully coordinated.

  • (2) An issuance is cancelled by the original signing authority. The action memo must be signed at the same level at which the issuance was signed.

  • (3) Follow established procedures within your OSD Component to coordinate the cancellation internally.

  • (4) Submit the unsigned SD Form 106 to Directives Division (DD) for review.

  • (5) Upon receiving the edited SD Form 106, follow established procedures within your OSD Component to obtain signature on the SD Form 106.

  • (6) Submit the signed SD Form 106 and a copy of the issuance to be canceled, through your Focal Point or designated authority, in .pdf format to the portal to initiate formal coordination.

  • (7) Adjudicate any comments received during formal coordination and make a final package consisting of an action memo, list of coordinating officials, and an SD Form 818. The action memo will be signed by the OSD Component Head. Use the CANCELLATION MEMO template to draft the action memo.

  • (8) Submit the action memo, list of coordinating officials, and the SD Form 818 to DD for a presignature review.

  • (9) Upon receiving the presignature review, make any changes required by DD. Submit the action memo, list of coordinating officials, consolidated SD 818, and a .pdf of the issuance to be cancelled, through your Focal Point or designated authority, to OGC on the portal for a legal sufficiency review.

  • (10) For issuances signed by the Secretary or Deputy Secretary of Defense

    • (a) Upon receiving the sufficiency review, follow your OSD Component’s internal procedures to obtain the signature of the OSD Component Head on the Action Memo and forward signed package to the Secretary or Deputy Secretary of Defense.

    • (b) The final package will be sent back to DD after it is approved, at which time DD will remove the canceled issuance from the DoD Issuances Website(s), update the Cancelled DoD Issuances Search database, and notify the AO and the Component Directives Focal Point.

  • (11) For issuances not signed by the Secretary or Deputy Secretary, upon receiving the OGC legal sufficiency review:

    • (a) Follow your OSD Component’s internal procedures to obtain signature on the action memo.

    • (b) Upon receiving the signed action memorandum requesting the cancellation,
      provide the final package (hard copy and electronic) to DD. DD will remove the cancelled issuance from the DoD Issuances Website(s), update the Cancelled DoD Issuances Search database, and notify the AO and the Component Directives Focal Point.


(Complete processing procedures are available within the Processing_AIs_and_DAandM_WHS_ Issuances.pdf.)

The procedures on this page apply to issuances that originate outside of the Office of the Director of Administration and Management and Washington Headquarters Services offices. If you are part of an office within ODA&M or WHS, use the procedures for PROCESSING AIs AND DA&M/WHS ISSUANCES.

The DoD and OSD Components shall follow the procedures set forth on this website and in DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5025.01, "DoD Directives Program," to process all new DoD issuances, as well as all revisions, changes to, and cancellations of DoD issuances.

Refer to Table 1 of DoDI 5025.01 for timelines for issuance coordination and completion.


ALL electronic submissions of issuances to the Directives Division (DD) for review shall be made by e-mail to:

Timelines for coordination and completion of DoD issuances


***The office of the Deputy Secretary of Defense requires that reissued directives include a summary of the changes made. The DoD directive action memo and processing procedures have been updated and a sample is available: Directives_Reissuance_Samples ***

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