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Chemical & Materials Sciences Division
Staff Awards & Honors

January 2008

Research Graces Cover of Prestigious Chemistry Journal

Graphic: Cover of PCCP, January 14, 2008
Cover of PCCP, January 14, 2008 Enlarge image

Congratulations to Dr. Lai-Sheng Wang and Dr. Alexander Boldyrev as well as their colleagues on having their article, "Aromaticity and antiaromaticity in transition-metal systems," featured on the cover of the January 14, 2008, issue of Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Wang is an Affiliate Senior Chief Scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and a professor at Washington State University Tri-Cities; Boldyrev is a professor of chemistry at Utah State University.

Recent research done by Wang's and Boldyrev's teams has shown that aromaticity and antiaromaticity, which refer to the compounds' electronic nature, geometry, and other properties, are convenient tools for describing chemical bonding in planar cyclic clusters containing transition metals. Transition metals, such as copper, hold electrons in an outer shell known as the d-orbital. Clusters containing these metals are found in enzymes and other biomolecules.  In this paper, they provide their perspectives on recent advances in this new research field. 

Experimental research was performed in the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, a national scientific user facility, located at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.  Computational work was done at the Center for High Performance Computing, located at Utah State University.

The research was supported by the National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Basic Energy Sciences, and The Petroleum Research Fund.

Citation: Zubarev, DY, BB Averkiev, HJ Zhai, LS Wang, and AI Boldyrev. 2008. "Aromaticity and antiaromaticity in transition-metal systems," Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 10(2):257-267.

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