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ENERGY STAR for Local Government

Partnering with ENERGY STAR is a commitment to your taxpayers as well as the environment. Local and state governments, as well as federal agencies, that partner with EPA and take the ENERGY STAR Challenge demonstrate their commitment to taxpayers as well as the environment.

ENERGY STAR Tools and Best Practices Supporting the Recovery Act

Recovery.gov icon
  • Use Sample Text Word document (169KB) to incorporate ENERGY STAR into Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant activity worksheets.

View pre-recorded training:

  • Make the Most of Your Energy Efficiency Stimulus Funding — Plan, Monitor, and Report Results with ENERGY STAR Tools (1hr)
  • Maximize Stimulus Funding with Performance Contracting and ENERGY STAR (1.20 hr)
  • ENERGY STAR and Revolving Loan Funds (1 hr)
  • ENERGY STAR and State Energy Programs for Commercial Buildings (1.20 hr)

Learn more about leveraging EPA's Portfolio Manager PDF (900KB) and the benchmarking starter kit to quickly and easily prioritize energy efficiency projects in buildings, measure progress, and verify/report results.

Incorporate ENERGY STAR qualified products into ARRA funded projects for single and multi family homes, public buildings, and K-12 schools.

What Local Governments Can Do

What Other Local Governments Are Doing

ENERGY STAR Success Stories

Arlington County, Virginia has been actively participating in the ENERGY STAR program since 1998 and became one of the first local governments in the nation to take the ENERGY STAR Challenge. In January 2007, Arlington County launched Fresh AIRE (Arlington Initiative to Reduce Emissions) — a collaboration between county government, businesses, organizations, and individuals to reduce the county's greenhouse gas emissions by 10 percent from 2000 to 2012.

Arlington County leverages ENERGY STAR tools and resources to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in their own buildings while informing all community members about the environmental and economic benefits of saving energy. The county has distributed more than 1,500 ENERGY STAR qualified compact fluorescent light bulbs and has been successful in reaching residents through public lectures, workshops, and other events such as the Fresh AIRE Business Summit.

Learn more about Fresh AIRE at www.arlingtonva.us/climate Exit ENERGY STAR.

See other ENERGY STAR Success Stories.

Earn Recognition for Your Achievements

Join the growing group of organizations honored and recognized by EPA for their outstanding contributions to protecting the environment through superior energy efficiency.

ENERGY STAR Qualified Products

The ENERGY STAR label appears on over 60 different product categories. Use these products in your facilities to lower energy use, save money, and help protect the environment.