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Special Mission Docs to Use MC4

September 24, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Capturing medical data electronically is a crucial element of patient care. It doesn’t matter if the documentation takes place in garrison clinics, battlefield treatment facilities or remote corners of the world. To that end, MC4 now supports U.S. Army Medical Materiel Development Activity (USAMMDA) physicians who stand ready to conduct special medical missions around the world.

USAMMDA leadership realized that their Special Medical Augmentation Response Teams (SMART) did not have the IM/IT systems required to support their deployed missions. The teams are prepared to deploy at a moment’s notice to administer medical care and issue medications.

The teams will have the ability to use MC4 systems to electronically chart patient notes in the outpatient application, AHLTA-T. The data collected will populate the Theater Medical Data Store (TMDS) providing worldwide access, as well as contribute heavily to command and control initiatives. For instance, if a SMART team were required to deploy in support of a mission within the Africa Command to inoculate AIDS patients with a new drug, they’d be able to digitally record their efforts with MC4 systems.

Our partnership with USAMMDA reinforces our commitment to providing a battle-tested technology solution for emerging Army requirements.

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