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Monday, January 30, 2006

Office of the CEO


Statement by David Eisner Regarding USA Freedom Corps Four-Year Anniversary


Today President Bush marked the four year anniversary of USA Freedom Corps in a ceremony at the White House. The President praised the USA Freedom Corps and its federal partners -- including the Corporation -- for their tireless workin promoting a culture of service throughout the United States.

Since the launch of USA Freedom Corps in the wake of the September 11 attacks, volunteering in our country has grown by more than 6 million Americans. Over the past four years, the Corporation has been privileged to have been an integral part of the USA Freedom Corps and its many successes. Through the leadership of the President and USA Freedom Corps we have grown AmeriCorps to 75,000 members; increased and strengthened our outreach to faith and community based organizations; launched the President's Council on Service and Civic Participation and recognized more than 300,000 Americans with the President's Volunteer Service Award; brought about management reforms; and connected millions of Americans with volunteer opportunities through the USA Freedom Corps Volunteer Network.

USA Freedom Corps has played an invaluable role in engaging Americansin meaningful volunteer opportunities and in so doing, has helped foster a more active and engaged citizenry. As our new strategic plan outlines, there is huge potential for increasing volunteering in America in the coming years. Along with the USA Freedom Corps, the Corporation looks forward to mobilizing even more Americans in service to their country.



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