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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Office of the Acting CEO


President Obama Names Corporation CEO Nominee


Dear Colleagues,

I’m very pleased and excited to announce that President Obama has announced his intention to nominate Ms. Maria Eitel to serve as the Corporation’s new CEO.

Ms. Eitel currently serves as the president of the Nike Foundation and as a vice president of Nike Inc. As the foundation’s first president, she has led an initiative to increase opportunities for the world’s most disadvantaged girls.

Prior to that role, Ms. Eitel served as Nike’s first vice president for corporate responsibility, beginning in the late 1990s. Before joining Nike, she served as European corporate affairs group manager for Microsoft, and before that, at the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and MCI Communications Corp.

From 1989 to 1992 Ms. Eitel served in the White House as deputy director of media relations, and later as special assistant to President George H.W. Bush for media affairs. She is a graduate of McGill University and received her Masters of Science from Georgetown.

Click here to find the official White House announcement, which includes more detail. Of course, we still have the Senate confirmation process ahead of us, and that will take time, but I’m confident that we will accomplish great things together. Please join me in congratulating Maria Eitel on her nomination!

In Service,

Nicola Goren
Acting CEO
Corporation for National and Community Service


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