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Fact Sheet for Exporters of Meat, Poultry and Seafood Products PDF version of this fact sheet

Exporters affected by bans on U.S. meat, poultry and/or seafood products will be covered under the relevant political risk provision of Ex-Im Bank's export credit insurance policies in accordance with the following guidelines.

  • Ex-Im Bank insurance will cover shipments of banned products, provided that the shipments began on or prior to the date the applicable ban was implemented in the country of destination. Shipments beginning after such date will NOT be covered.
  • Ex-Im Bank will consider the product shipped if the product has left the exporter's factory or facility and is in transit to a particular buyer.
  • Ex-Im Bank will require the exporter to produce evidence confirming the date of shipment. Ex-Im Bank will follow the official dates for the applicable bans set forth on the United States Department of Agriculture website at the following address: http://www.aphis.usda.gov/vs/ncie/iregs/products/.
  • In the event that a shipment is made prior to the effective date of a ban and such shipment is prevented from being delivered by reason of the ban, Ex-Im Bank will work with the exporter to minimize losses. This will include compensating the exporter for redirection and other cost minimization measures that are pre-approved by Ex-Im Bank.

All other terms and conditions of the applicable export credit insurance policy, unless otherwise waived or amended in writing by Ex-Im Bank, will remain in full force and effect and unaffected by the terms of this Fact Sheet.

Should you have any questions regarding this Fact Sheet, please contact:

(for Short-Term Multibuyer policies)

(for Short-Term Singlebuyer exporter policies)

Jean A. Fitzgibbon at (202) 565-3620

Mohammed Aslam, at (202) 565-3635

  (for Short-Term Singlebuyer bank policies)

Arnold Chow at (202) 565-3636

Updated June 30, 2008

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