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Remote Multi-Mission Vehicle - (RMMV)

The Remove Multi-Mission Vehicle - RMMV is an unmanned, autonomous semi-submersible, high endurance, low-visible system that will be operated and maintained from the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS). RMMV will be capable of both line-of-sight and over-the-horizon operations. The off board vehicle will have self-contained control, propulsion, power, and navigation features. As many as two RMMVs may be operated from the LCS simultaneously. It will be capable of real-time communications of mine reconnaissance sensor data as well as automatic search and recording modes. The RMMV will tow the AN/AQS-20A minehunting sonar system for detection, classification, and localization of mine-like contacts and mine identification of bottom mines. The host ship, will be equipped to conduct data processing, display, recording, and to communicate tactical mine reconnaissance data to other Naval forces. Fueled for long endurance, the RMMV’s diesel marine engine and high-efficiency propulsor will drive the 7 meter long vehicle at speeds exceeding 16 knots. A streamlined snorkel/mast, which is the vehicle’s only visible feature above the water, draws air into the engine and provides a platform for RF antennas and an obstacle avoidance system. The RMMV’s high coverage search rate can find mines in deep and shallow water with high probability. The RMMV can be pre-programmed to perform autonomously or be manually controlled via data link. The RMMV will be capable of being off board for greater than 24 hours. To preserve fuel, if rapid recovery is not possible, the RMMV can “sleep” until it receives new instructions.
Naval mines pose a significant threat to U.S. and allied shipping, particularly in navigation choke points and transit lanes. The RMMV, as the workhorse of the Remote Minehunting System (RMS) which also includes the towed AN/AQS-20A minehunting sonar system, shall be capable of accomplishing Mine Counter-Measure (MCM) missions in forward fleet operating areas by employing shipboard equipment that allows integration, deployment, and operation of the individual sensor systems from a shipboard environment. RMMV, as part of the RMS, will satisfy the U.S. Navy’s need for an organic (off-board) surface ship mine reconnaissance capability in order to conduct rapid reconnaissance of bottom and moored mines from the deep-water region to the very shallow water region, and determine the presence of mines and safe routes or operating areas around potential minefields.
Point Of Contact
Office of Corporate Communication (SEA 00D)
Naval Sea Systems Command
Washington, D.C. 20376
General Characteristics, Remote Multi-Mission Vehicle - (RMMV)
Contractor: Lockheed Martin – Riviera Beach, FL.
Date Deployed: A reliability growth program has been fully implemented to support achievement of Milestone-C review in FY 2014.
Unit Cost: Approximately $12 million (in 2006 constant year dollars)
Length: 23 ft.
Diameter: 4 ft.
Weight: 14,500 lb. average (including AN/AQS-20A)
Last Update: 28 November 2011