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Czech Republic

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Capital: Prague
Area: 78.867 sq km
Comparative area: slightly smaller than South Carolina
Population (July 2011 estimate): 10,190,213
Official language(s): Czech
State Partner: Texas and Nebraska
International Organizations and Agreements: NATO, European Union, United Nations, World Trade Organization

Relations between the United States and the Czech Republic are excellent and reflect the common approach both have to the many challenges facing the world at present. Additionally, millions of Americans have roots in Bohemia and Moravia, and a large community in the United States has strong cultural and familial ties with the Czech Republic.

The strength of the relationship between the U.S. and the Czech Republic is reflected in the priority both countries place on their Euro-Atlantic ties. In 1994, the Czech Republic joined the Partnership for Peace program to work towards becoming a NATO member.  The U.S. Department of Defense and the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic partnered together to attain significant military reforms and to achieve the Czech Republic's admission to NATO in 1999. Today, U.S. and Czech armed forces routinely train and operate together. 

Since 2005, the Czech Republic has consistently supported the NATO International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) through the commitment of a significant number of troops to a variety of missions:  Special Operations Forces, Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRT), Operational Mentoring and Liaison Teams (OMLT), and Air Mentoring Teams (AMT).

In 2007, the NATO Joint Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Defense Center of Excellence was activated in Vyškov. There are currently Acquisition and Cross-Servicing, Status of Forces and General Security of Military Information agreements in place with the Czech Republic. 

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  • February 16, 2011

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  • September 16, 2010


    During the past week of LOGEX 10, I’ve had the distinct honor to serve among and work with some of the best people in the multinational logistics community. I was impressed by the professionalism and competence of our friends in US Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM) J7, Allied Command Transformation (ACT) and our NATO Allies and partners. These characteristics truly show during events such as this and I am proud to be associated with the exercise and everyone here.
  • June 28, 2010

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  • April 16, 2010

    LOGEX 10 Workshops: Two Down … Three to Go

    As promised in February, welcome to another edition of LOGEX 10. This month’s events find me at the National Support Element (NSE) & Logistics Functional Area Services (LOGFAS) workshop in the Czech Republic, which is the second in a series of five workshops designed for each participating nation in this year’s exercise. Warrant Officer Martin Turner (RAF), Allied Command Transformation, provides instruction on LOGFAS.
  • January 28, 2010

    Redeployment Ceremony of the Czech Republic’s 601st Special Operations Force

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  • November 10, 2009

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    Is European Command still relevant?

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  • June 15, 2012

    Remembering the liberation of Pilsen

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  • June 8, 2012

    Proud partnership

    The partnership between the United States and the Czech Republic has endured for years. Both countries honor the past and work together towards the future. Benjamin Griffin has the story.
  • June 8, 2012

    Proud partnership

    The partnership between the United States and the Czech Republic has endured for years. Both countries honor the past and work together towards the future. Benjamin Griffin has the story.