
Earn more for your service.

The Army National Guard offers incentives to qualified individuals—whether you’re enlisting for the first time, previously served or currently serving.

Click on a category below to learn more about the ones that may be available to you:

Student Loan Repayment Program (SLRP)

Student Loan Repayment Programs (SLRP) is offered to new enlistees regardless of prior military service, as well as to current Army National Guard Soldiers who agree to extend their enlistment in the Guard. This program may be used in conjunction with other incentives listed below.

Bonuses for Enlisted Soldiers

For enlisted Soldiers serving in qualifying skill positions:

Bonuses for Officers

  • Officer Accession Bonus (OAB) - Newly commissioned officers and newly appointed warrant officers serving in the Army National Guard can earn a bonus for serving in certain critical skill positions.
  • Officer Affiliation Bonus (OAFB) - Current Active Duty officers and Warrant Officers can transition directly into National Guard critical skill positions from another branch of the military. Some Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) members may also qualify.
  • Healthcare Professional Loan Repayment Program (HPLRP) - The Army National Guard offers a special pay bonus and/or student loan repayments—up to $240,000 for some specialties—for just about every medical professional specialty or field.
  • Medical Professional Officer Special Pay - A three-year commitment to serve in the Guard can earn you a special pay bonus of up to $25,000. Different specialties qualify for varying amounts.
  • Medical and Dental Student Program (MDSSP) - Medical and dental students can qualify for a monthly stipend of over $2,000. Start as soon as you begin residency or finish dental school.
  • Specialized Training Program (STRAP) - For doctors (and some nurses) who are training in a specialty, the Guard can pay a monthly stipend over $2,000. Find out if your specialty qualifies.
  • Chaplain Loan Repayment Program (CLRP) - Eligible Chaplains who have completed their civilian seminary, divinity or similar professional training can earn up to $80,000 toward the payment of existing student loans.

Click on any of the links above for additional details. You may also contact a local Army National Guard recruiter,  state Incentive Manager or Officer Strength Manager with any questions.