
Auto Industry

BMW Widens Lead Over Lexus Even With Incentive Spending Cut

BMW widened its lead over Toyota Motor Corp.’s Lexus, which boosted incentive spending in November while the German brand cut back, as the three-way U.S. luxury-auto sales race enters the homestretch. Mercedes-Benz delayed its results a day, leaving the year-to-date standings in doubt.

Wall Street

UBS Traders May Face Sanctions in Probes

As many as seven UBS Group AG traders may face sanctions from Switzerland’s financial watchdog in the coming weeks, potentially the first individuals to be punished in the global currency-rigging scandal, said two people with knowledge of the situation. Bloomberg's Keri Geiger reports on "Bloomberg Markets." (Source: Bloomberg)

Prudential Offers Secret to Illiquid Markets: `Buy Good Stuff'

Michael Lillard, who oversees more than $500 billion as chief investment officer of Prudential Fixed Income, said bondholders must be prepared to keep securities for longer than in the past because it’s become tougher to enter and exit positions.

Keeping Boutique Firms Out of Regulators' Reach

Tim Coleman, group head of restructuring at PJT Partners, discuss the positive impact of Wall Street regulation and looks to the year ahead in restructuring. He speaks on "Bloomberg ‹GO›." (Source: Bloomberg)

BlueCrest's Platt to Return All Client Money

Michael Platt, who runs the $8 billion BlueCrest Capital Management, will return all client money and instead focus on managing his own wealth and that of his partners and employees. PJT Partners Group Head of Restructuring Tim Coleman and Bloomberg's Christine Harper speak on "Bloomberg ‹GO›." (Source: Bloomberg)


Real Estate

Oil Drops

It's bad for the exporters, great news for you



In December, drilling contractor Ensign Energy Services Inc. told California regulators that it planned to dismiss as many as 700 workers.

Health Care

Gilead Plan Kept Hepatitis C Drug Prices High, Senators Say

Gilead Sciences Inc., whose hepatitis C drugs Harvoni and Sovaldi had U.S. sales of $13.3 billion in the last year, pursued high list prices for the drugs instead of trying to make the treatments widely available, two U.S. senators said in a report Tuesday.

UnitedHealth Says It Should Have Avoided Obamacare Longer

UnitedHealth Group Inc. should have stayed out of Obamacare’s new individual markets longer, the chief executive officer of the biggest U.S. health insurer said Tuesday, after announcing last month that it will take hundreds of millions of dollars in losses related to the business.