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Brochures Prepared by NRC Staff

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Brief publications about NRC programs, designed for the general public and licensees. Other brochures may be available in ADAMS.

Document Identifier Title
NUREG/BR-0006 Instructions for Completing Nuclear Material Transaction Reports (DOE/NRC Forms 741 and 740M)
NUREG/BR-0007 Instructions for the Preparation and Distribution of Material Status Reports (DOE/NRC Forms 742 and 742C)
NUREG/BR-0010 Citizen's Guide to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Information
NUREG/BR-0018 The Honor Law Graduate Program: Make Our Mission Yours
NUREG/BR-0024 Working Safely in Gamma Radiography: A Training Manual for Industrial Radiographers
NUREG/BR-0050 ACNW Action Plan: FY 2005 – FY 2006
NUREG/BR-0058 Regulatory Analysis Guidelines of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
NUREG/BR-0075 NRC Field Policy Manual
NUREG/BR-0099 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Fact Sheet)
NUREG/BR-0108 Radioactive Scrap — Be Aware! (Poster)
NUREG/BR-0117 FSME Quarterly Newsletters
NUREG/BR-0133 Working Safely with Nuclear Gauges
NUREG/BR-0137 Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (Fact Sheet)
NUREG/BR-0146 The IG at the NRC: Office of the Inspector General
NUREG/BR-0147 Fraud Awareness
NUREG/BR-0164 NRC — Regulator of Nuclear Safety
NUREG/BR-0167 Software Quality Assurance Program and Guidelines
NUREG/BR-0175 A Short History of Nuclear Regulation, 1946–2009
NUREG/BR-0200 Public Petition Process
NUREG/BR-0204 Instructions for Completing NRC's Uniform Low-Level Radioactive Waste Manifest
NUREG/BR-0215 Public Involvement in the Nuclear Regulatory Process
NUREG/BR-0216 Radioactive Waste: Production, Storage, Disposal
NUREG/BR-0217 The Regulation and Use of Radioisotopes in Today's World
NUREG/BR-0238 Materials Annual Fee Billing Handbook
NUREG/BR-0240 Reporting Safety Concerns to the NRC
NUREG/BR-0249 The Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
NUREG/BR-0254 Payment Methods
NUREG/BR-0256 The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and How It Works
NUREG/BR-0272 OIG Fraud Bulletin
NUREG/BR-0277 Making Our Business Your Business
NUREG/BR-0280 Regulating Nuclear Fuel
NUREG/BR-0282 Nuclear Research Programs To Ensure Public Health and Safety
NUREG/BR-0284 Mixed Oxide Fuel News
NUREG/BR-0286 ACRS Action Plan: FY 2005–FY 2008
NUREG/BR-0291 Reactor License Renewal: Preparing for Tomorrow's Safety Today
NUREG/BR-0292 Safety of Spent Fuel Transportation
NUREG/BR-0297 NRC Public Meetings
NUREG/BR-0298 Nuclear Power Plant Licensing Process
NUREG/BR-0299 Web-Based Public Access to ADAMS
NUREG/BR-0301 Licensing Support Network for Documents Relating to the Yucca Mountain Licensing Proceeding Conducted by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
NUREG/BR-0303 Guidance for Performance-Based Regulation
NUREG/BR-0304 OIG Information Digest
NUREG/BR-0308 Effective Risk Communication
NUREG/BR-0309 Serving on the Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes (ACMUI): A Member's Guide
NUREG/BR-0312 Alternate Fire Protection Rule for Light-Water Nuclear Power Plants
NUREG/BR-0313 Pre-Investigation Alternative Dispute Resolution Program
NUREG/BR-0314 Protecting Our Nation: A Report of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
NUREG/BR-0316 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Comprehensive Diversity Management Plan
NUREG/BR-0317 The Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Post-Investigation ADR Program: Alternative Dispute Resolution Administered by Cornell University's Institute on Conflict Resolution
NUREG/BR-0318 Effective Risk Communication: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Guidelines for Internal Risk Communication
NUREG/BR-0322 Radiation Protection and the NRC
NUREG/BR-0325 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Decommissioning Program
NUREG/BR-0326 NRC Inspector Field Observation Best Practices
NUREG/BR-0334 Materials Inspection & Licensing Handbook: Best Practices
NUREG/BR-0336 Information Guide for Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Proceedings at the NRC Las Vegas Hearing Facility
NUREG/BR-0344 Know Your Rights: Limited English Proficiency (LEP)?
NUREG/BR-0345 Affirming LEP Access & Compliance in Federal and Federally Assisted Programs
NUREG/BR-0352 Annual Fuel Cycle Information Exchange (FCIX) Program
NUREG/BR-0353 Davis-Besse Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Degradation: Overview, Lessons Learned, and NRC Actions Based on Lessons Learned
NUREG/BR-0355 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Construction Inspection Program
NUREG/BR-0356 New Reactors: Striving for Enhanced Safety
NUREG/BR-0359 Modeling Potential Reactor Accident Consequences
NUREG/BR-0361 The Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Fire of 1975 and the History of NRC Fire Regulations
NUREG/BR-0362 Media Guide for NRC Las Vegas Hearing Facility
NUREG/BR-0364 A Short History of Fire Safety Research Sponsored by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1975-2008
NUREG/BR-0457 Your Rights Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
NUREG/BR-0460 Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Federally Assisted Programs
NUREG/BR-0462 Americans with Disabilities Act: A Guide for People with Disabilities Seeking Employment
NUREG/BR-0465 Fire Protection and Fire Research Knowledge Management Digest
NUREG/BR-0466 Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
NUREG/BR-0468 Frequently Asked Questions About License Applications for New Nuclear Power Reactors
NUREG/BR-0470 Primer on Lean Six Sigma
NUREG/BR-0472 National Source Tracking System
NUREG/BR-0476 2011 New Reactor Program
NUREG/BR-0478 The Generic Issues Program
NUREG/BR-0500 Safety Culture Policy Statement
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, June 15, 2012