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All members of the press are urged to obtain credentials from the Senate Daily Press Gallery or the Senate Radio-Television Gallery.  The Judiciary Committee reserves approximately 25 seats for press to attend Committee hearings, and approximately 10 seats for press to attend Executive Business Meetings.  To reserve a seat at a Committee hearing, credentialed members of the press should contact the Press Galleries.

Only credentialed press are permitted to set up video cameras to record Committee hearings.  Space is limited in the Judiciary Committee hearing room, and networks are encouraged to utilize pool footage of hearings of wide interest.  All hearings are webcast live online.

No flash photography is permitted in the hearing room.  Non-flash photography is permitted.  Only credentialed members of the press are permitted to sit in front of the dais to take photographs.

The Chairman and the Ranking Member of the Judiciary Committee maintain Committee press offices.

Jessica Brady
Judiciary Press Secretary
Chairman Patrick Leahy
Press Releases

224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Beth Levine
Judiciary Press Secretary
Ranking Member Chuck Grassley
Press Releases

152 Dirksen Senate Office Building

To reach the press offices of members of the Committee, visit the Press Contacts page.

For additional information about the Judiciary Committee, visit the Resources for Press page.


Did You Know?  The longest serving members in the history of the Senate have served on the Judiciary Committee: Senator Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia served as Senator from Jan. 3, 1959, until June 28, 2010, and served on the Committee from Jan. 14, 2969, until Jan. 3, 1980; Senator Strom Thurmond of South Carolina served as Senator from Dec. 24, 1954, until April 4, 1956, and from Nov. 7, 1956, until Jan. 3, 2003, and served on the Committee from Jan. 16, 1967, until Jan. 3, 2003; and Senator Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts served as Senator From Nov. 7, 1962, until Aug. 25., 2009, and served on the Committee from Feb. 15, 1963, until Jan. 21, 2009.

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