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On the Radio: The New Majority Will Fulfill the Will of the People, Move to Stop the Tax Hikes, Cut Spending and Repeal ObamaCare
Posted by Press Office on November 23, 2010

During an interview today with Brian Thomas on Cincinnati’s 550 KRC-AM, Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester) said that Republicans have heard the clear message Americans sent on Nov. 2, and will follow through on their demands for a smaller, more accountable and less costly government.  Boehner also discussed the need to stop all the coming tax hikes and repeal the costly new health care law that is keeping small businesses from growing and hiring.  Key excerpts are included below:

Boehner Hopes President Obama Will Join Republicans in Listening to the American People, Following Through on Demands for Less Spending, More Jobs:

“This is about fulfilling the will of the American people.  They made a big, big loud decision on November 2.  I’m just hoping that my colleagues and the President will listen to what the American people had to say on Election Day and follow through on what they’re demanding: a smaller, less costly and more accountable government.” [Audio]

Boehner Says the New Majority Will Move to Repeal ObamaCare and Start Over with Solutions to Lower Costs:

“I believe that ObamaCare will ruin the best health care delivery system in the world and I think it will bankrupt our country.  That’s why we pledged to repeal ObamaCare and replace it with common sense reforms to bring down the cost of health care, and that’s exactly what we will do.” [Audio]

Boehner Discusses the Need to Simplify Tax Law to Help Boost the Economy, Create Jobs:

“I think that you’ll see an effort next year to simplify the tax code, probably not as far as some of us would like to see us go, but as far as we can go in terms of cleaning up the code, making it understandable, and making it fairer for all Americans.“ [Audio]

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  • William Bean commented on 11/24/2010
    It is very refreshing to see proposed legislation to work in the people's favor, rather than a dominant attitude. Breaking the backs of the American people is not what the constitution was initiated for. 'For the people, by the people'. Not chain the people and break them down to slaves to the government. You have good programs forecasted and I will lend all of the support I can muster to help you out. Thanks
  • Dale Butler commented on 11/24/2010
    The American people need the so called Obama Care. I don't understand why Republicans think they were sent to Washington to repeal the Affordable Health Care bill. Why is it that you don't want to do anything for the American Citizen?
  • Maurice O'Connor commented on 11/24/2010
    Best of Luck John and Happy Thanksgiving! For anyone not enthused by Speaker-to-be Boehner- you could be like me and have Barney Frank as your congressman. Maurice O'Connor Newton, MA
  • matt genser commented on 11/24/2010
    Repeal obama care&keep bush tax cuts in place!
  • Linda Sink commented on 11/24/2010
    PLEASE DO NOT REPEAL THE OBAMA HEALTH CARE ISSUES THAT HAVE ALREADY BEEN PUT INTO LAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Republicans have done nothing over the past 20 years to improve health care. When Clinton was elected in 1993 health care was a Big issue. Immediately after taking office he wrote up a health care plan & the republician majority immediately voted it down. For the next 8 yrs under George W Bush there was No Action or No Talk about changes to health care. I have no faith the you & the republican party will fix the health care. How can you & and the republican party turn you back on the Americans that have worked & supported the government for years. If you cut our care & benefits how will we survive ? Will it care down to the point where we will have to suffer & die because we can't afford the medical care? Instead of cutting Social Security & health care, look at other spending, ex: money given to foreign countries. Recent we gave $1.6 billions dollars to Mexico to fight drug wars, this is just 1 of many occassions that we have given money to foreign countries. Eliminate funding for obsurd experiments. Per Your statement above " Boehner Hopes President Obama Will Join Republicans in Listening to the American People,"-- It is You & the republican party that is not listening to the PEOPLE. Please Help our Country.
  • Keith Burnett commented on 11/24/2010
    There are 3 policy statements above and all I have to say is AMEN AND AMEN AND AMEN!!! Please remember one VERY IMPORTANT THING. This is the policy that George Bush and Dick Cheney ran on, and DID NOT IMPLEMENT. If you guys can actually make real progress in actually doing these things you will re-establish the "Republican Brand" get this country on a track that will get us past this recession, and set up for a globally competitive future. Happy Thanksgiving and Best Regards.
  • Laurie Noyes commented on 11/24/2010
    I, too, was hoping that the President would listen to what America had to say on November 2. Instead, they are frantically trying to force through another bill that has not been fully discussed and that, as it is written, most Americans are against: the so-called DREAM Act. Their intention is to come back after the Thanksgiving recess and ram this bill through during the final days of the lame duck session in order to pay back the Hispanic constituency that the President and Harry Reid have used to bolster their power. This is another sneaky, backhanded deal, similar to the way Obamacare was rammed down our throats. I sincerely hope that when the newly-elected Congress, which is much more representative of what the majority of American citizens truly wants, begins their session, they will be able to undo this type of damage done by the lame ducks during their last gasp for power.
  • DeVaughn Nelson commented on 11/24/2010
    November 24, 2010 John Boehner: May the Lord richly bless you and your entire family gathering in celebrating our national Thanksgiving Day tomorrow! We Americans have much to be thankful for and much to continue and preserve regarding our freedoms, opportunities, and constitutional Republic form of government established for us by our Founding Fathers. They pledged everything, their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to provide that heritage to us. Let us resolve to never waver in continuing that heritage by reversing any and all laws and reforms that would destroy Republic. Your agenda to stop tax hikes, cut spending, repeal ObamaCare and make our government transparent and accountable is right on! It can be done and must be done! The battle likely will be long and brutal with many more lies and smears continuing. But you and your like-minded colleagues have heard the people who do have common sense and who do not want a nanny state of entitlements, just an honest, responsible government of the people, by the people, for the people. We and many others will continue to do battle along side of you and to pray for you. Where any abuse or evil exists, it must be exposed and dealt with head on; steadfastly lead on! God Bless you and yours this Thanksgiving and always! DeVaughn & Emily Nelson
  • Lucille Wamsley commented on 11/24/2010
    May God be with YOU We have a Long way to go. We must start now. I know you will stand firm and do your best to help us ALL. Our Republic must survive.
  • jim milledge commented on 11/24/2010
    Right on Target!!! GO1 GO!
  • Teresa Hendley commented on 11/24/2010
    Speaker Boehner, There are many issues that conservatives are concerned about relating to the economy and the overblown size and scope of government, but there are others that must be faced as well. One of these is the push by liberals to pass The Dream Act, which most of us recognize as a doorway to amnesty for massive numbers of illegal immigrants. There are multiple versions of this bill, one which allows persons up to 30 or 35 years old to qualify. It also further hinders us from enforcing the law by stopping the exportation of anyone who has an application pending, even if they commit a crime. We already have too many people dependant on social services, and there is no way for the country to support adding hundreds of thousands more, therefore I would urge the Republican Party to do everything possible to prevent this from passing.
  • Mike Fracasso commented on 11/25/2010
    The best way to throttle spending is to choke off the government’s source of revenue. We must lower the deficit ceiling and capped congress’s revenue at seventeen percent of GDP. When congress’s source of revenue is finite their spending will slow. Stopping earmarks is a drop in the bucket at less than one percent of the budget. All programs must be cut at least ten percent except the military. Eventually we need a balance budget amendment and term limits. Also eliminating all taxes and going to a national sales tax is the only way to fix our tax code.
  • danielle wells commented on 11/29/2010
    No, to Immigration. Yes, Speak and read and print English. No, to any Green Movement. No, United Nations advise. Yes, What part of No, do you not understand A Native American Family
  • Edward Whiteside commented on 12/1/2010
    Mr. Boehner, I've recently seen the results of many polls that clearly show over 2/3 of americans are against extending the tax cuts for the wealthiest people in america. Apparently your statement that your going to listen to the people, only applies to what you want to listen to. Also, I've seen information that shows by extending the tax cuts for the wealthy, will result in an increase of the deficit over the next ten years of approxamately 3 trillion dollars. That doesn't sound like reducing the deficit to me.
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