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Tools and Resources for Evaluation and Data Collection

Topics on this page:

Community-Oriented Outreach

Building Successful Partnerships
Tips on developing successful collaborations. From the National Resource Services Center, a training and technical assistance provider to programs funded by the Corporation for National and Community Service.

Center for the Advancement of Collaborative Strategies in Health
Resources to help partnerships, funders, and policy makers realize the full potential of collaboration to solve complex problems related to health or any other area.

Public Libraries and Community Partners: Working Together to Provide Health Information
A guide to encourage health information partnerships between public libraries, the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, and local health or community-based organizations.

Melva Thompson-Robinson, Rodney Hopson, and Saumitra SenGupta, eds. In Search of Cultural Competence in Evaluation: Toward Principles and Practices, In: New Directions for Evaluation, no. 102, Summer 2004.
This volume of New Directions for Evaluation addresses questions about how cultural issues affect evaluation practice, including an overview of cultural competence and case studies in a variety of settings with several populations. According to the editors, it offers "an important discussion of race, culture, and diversity in evaluation striving to shape and advance culturally competent evaluation and, in tandem, evaluation of culturally competent services."

Information Behavior in Everyday Contexts (IBEC)
IBEC features the Outcomes Toolkit 2.0, a four step process of conducting outcome-based evaluations which contains examples and instruments from studies conducted across the country. Funded by a National Leadership Grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Data Collection

Sample from an NN/LM Outreach Project

Training Needs Assessment (
Developed for the HiPHIVE (Hawaii Public Health Information Virtual Emporium) project.

Sample NN/LM Tracking and Reporting Tools

The National Network of Libraries of Medicine uses forms like these to track outreach activities:

Outreach Activity Data Collection Form ( 812kb, rev: Feb 1, 2011) [Instructions, 13kb, rev: May 25, 2006]
Used to track information about outreach activities.

Outreach Activity Participant Information Sheet ( 13kb, rev: May 23, 2006; Revisable Excel version 34kb, rev: May 23, 2006; also available sized for legal paper: 13kb, rev: May 23, 2006 ; Legal-size Revisable Excel version 31kb, rev: May 23, 2006) [Instructions, 9kb, rev: May 25, 2006]
Used to collect anonymous, descriptive data about participants of outreach activities.

Progress Report Generator
A sample web-based form used by some RMLs to collect progress reports on regional outreach projects.

Evaluation Planning

W.K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide, W.K. Kellogg Foundation, January 2004

This guide offers a clear and concise discussion about the use of logic models and their importance for program planning and evaluation planning. It includes templates and other tools to help your organization develop logic models and evaluation questions. Available in English and Spanish.

W.K. Kellogg Foundation Evaluation Handbook, W.K. Kellog Foundation, January 1998

This excellent evaluation handbook provides basic information and is useful for those with little or no experience in evaluation. Although not an exhaustive instructional guide, the handbook provide a framework for thinking about evaluation of any project. Available in English and Spanish.

More Web Resources

A Brief Guide to Questionnaire Development
Written by Robert B. Frary, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, "this booklet is intended to identify some of the more prevalent problems in questionnaire development and to suggest ways of avoiding them."

American Evaluation Association
The AEA is an international professional association "devoted to the application and exploration of evaluation in all its forms". Click on "Links" to view AEA's "pre-eminent resource list of links of interest to evaluators."

CDC Evaluation Working Group
This site is about the CDC Evaluation Working Group and its efforts to promote program evaluation at the CDC and throughout the public health system. See especially their "framework for program evaluation."

The Communications Initiative
Includes summaries of change theories to inform strategies development and evaluation initiatives.

Evaluation Support Services
Created by The Evaluation Center at Western Michigan University, this site is intended to increase the use and improve the quality of evaluations.

Evaluation Toolkit
Essential elements for building effective evaluation programs, from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.

Innovation Network: Transforming Evaluation for Social Change
Excellent interactive tools with step-by-step directions to choose methods and build evaluation designs and instruments.

Institute on Museum & Library Services Outcomes Based Evaluation
Links to resources that support and encourage the adoption of outcome-oriented methods in the library and museum fields.

Nonprofit Good Practice Guide: Accountability and Evaluation
Information about skills, practices, trends, terminology.

Online Evaluation Resource Library
A resource developed for professionals seeking to design, conduct, document, or review project evaluations. OERL is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF).

Outcome Measurement Resource Network
This United Way site hightlights helpful publications about outcome measurement. Click on "UWA Resources" and then "Measuring Program Outcomes: A Practical Approach".

Program Development and Evaluation
Evaluation resources and training from University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension.

Research Randomizer
Designed to assist researchers and students who want an easy way to perform random sampling or assign participants to experimental conditions.

Statistics on the Web
A comprehensive list of sources about statistical methods in research. Compiled by Clay Helberg of SPSS, the site includes links to online educational resources, professional organizations and consultants, and software oriented pages.