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Congressman Boehner Touts Keystone Vote in Ohio Welcome Message for President Obama
Posted by Press Office on April 18, 2012
President Obama is heading to Ohio this morning for the first time since March 22, the day of his infamous visit to Cushing, Oklahoma, where he tried to take credit for the job-creating Keystone XL pipeline, a project he has lobbied members of Congress to block and is now threatening a veto over.  Later that same day in Columbus, Ohio, the president “defended his record” on Keystone.  Widely panned, the Cushing-and-Columbus tour prompted Congressman Boehner to coin the “Obama Energy Gap,” which illustrates the job-crushing consequences of the discrepancy between the president’s rhetoric and his actions.   

Now, in a new videoCongressman Boehner welcomes President Obama back to the Buckeye State by touting the upcoming House vote to approve the Keystone pipeline.  The vote, Boehner notes, is part of Republicans’ American Energy Initiative, “a plan focused on removing barriers to energy production and stopping policies that drive up gas prices.”  This will mark at least the fourth time the Republican-led House has voted to accelerate approval of this job-creating project.  

Watch Boehner here and read his welcome message below: 


BOEHNER: “The president heads to Cleveland today.  Like many Ohioans, I’m hoping he’ll talk about gas prices, which have more than doubled on his watch. 

“Last year, Republicans launched the American Energy Initiative, a plan focused on removing barriers to energy production and stopping policies that drive up gas prices.  In the coming weeks, the House will take up additional measures to expand production.  Today in fact, we’ll vote to approve the Keystone XL pipeline that’s been blocked by the White House for three months now.

“Unfortunately, the Democratic-controlled Senate has time and again blocked House-passed jobs bills.  And the president isn’t urging them to act.  Instead, he’s pushed for tax hikes that, according to the nonpartisan experts, would actually raise the price of energy.  Gas prices are already too high after three years of this administration blocking energy production.  We don’t need Washington to make prices even worse. 

“We can do better.  Learn more at Speaker.gov/energy.”

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  • Harry Boone commented on 4/22/2012
    Dear Mr. Boehner I just read where Obama has signed a secret law into effect that it is now a federal offence to say anything bad about the president, how true is this and how much longer are you and the other members of the house and senate going to let Obama keep on disobeying the very laws that he has sworn to uphold? Just how many card carrying members of the communist party are there that are making the decisions that affect the way we as average people have to live and abide by? I made the biggest mistake of my life voting for Obama, then I did not know enough about him to know the difference as to how big a crook he really is, but now I do and I just can't figure out why you and the rest of the people that are running this country are letting him do what ever he wants and getting away with it, like going to war against Kadafie without the approval of congress, why has he not been impeached for that action? Now he writes laws in secret and signs them into law, without concern that anyone will even try and stop him, are you all so afraid of Obama that he can continue to do what ever he pleases? I crossed the stream and voted for you in 2010 because I was tired of how things were going and I hope that was not a mistake. I know you are only one person, but the representatives from both party's can't all be so afraid of Obama that they will continue to let him destroy our country will they and you? How many times are we the people going to have to complain before our voice is heard about Obama, I can't believe that all of you believe that he is really an American when proof has been brought forward that he has lied and put forth false information that he has a valid birth certificate and has the right to hold the office of president. It's almost like every one of you that run this government have turned a blind eye to all the evil that this president has done to this country and how he has taken us down the river of no return. I wrote to you once before and told you before Obama care was passed that you might as well come and put the hand cuffs on me then, as I will not bow down to Obama or anyone else in the government. I am a free person and government will not tell me what I will buy. I am so sick of the way Obama is running this country and all the crooks he has in his administration, not because he is a democrat, because for the twelve years before him we had almost the same kind of government as we have now, it’s just to bad that we can't get really honest people to run our government for the people that they serve and not the oil companies and all the special interest's groups that lobby congress, and give them all the money to put all their interest above the interest of we the people who's tax's are paying your way each and every day of your life. All I have done here is to tell the truth and I hope it will not be misconstrued as a personal attack, or defamatory or abusive in any way. Sometimes one must hear the truth from someone else to finally realize that something really has to be done about our governments problems, we the people have not caused these problems, we are not the one's who have caused the mess we are in today. The people we elected to represent us are the one's who have caused all of the problem's we now have, because of greed and being self centered and forgetting that they were elected to serve we the people not we the OIL COMPANY'S AND SPECIAL INTEREST.
  • Lou Frangos commented on 8/14/2012
    President Obama, I continue to hear your ads All beginning with I approve this message I approve this message I approve this message I approve this message How about approving a budget? It has been over three years already. Appove a budget!!! This would make a good commercial- with I approve this message- Mitt Rommey!
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