Welcome to plantgdb.org!Tools and resources for plant genomics.

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Public Plant Sequence Release 183 is current.

Tiarella Species-parsed Viridiplantae sequences from GenBank and UniProt.
More about Release 183...

Sequence Assemblies

EST Assembly PlantGDB-assembled unique transcripts (PUT) and Genome Survey Sequence assemblies (GSS).
More about Assemblies...


BLAST Online tools for pattern matching, sequence query, and spliced alignment.
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Workflow Management

BioExtract Server BioExtract Server provides powerful database queries, analysis tools, and online workflows.
More about Workflows...

Genome Browsers

AtGDB Genome browsers for emerging & completed plant genomes.
Video Tutorial (6 min): View Quicktime; View Flash
More about Genome Browsers...

Community Annotation

yrGATE Tools and databases for gene structure annotation.
Video Tutorial (5 min): View Quicktime View Flash
More about Community Annotation...

Special Datasets

AcDs Image Special datasets for transposon insertion sites, splicing-related genes, and more.
More about Special Datasets...


PGROP Plant Genome Research Outreach Portal (PGROP) for locating activities, programs and resources; Outreach Program for Native Americans.

New & Noteworthy

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New flanking Ds sequences May 8
85 new Ds-flanking sequences (fDs) have been placed in the maize reference genome. Visit the Ac/Ds Tagging project pages to search by region or gene to identify transposon insertions close to a gene of interest. (5-8-2011).
New Transcript Assemblies May 3
New and refreshed transcript assemblies (PUTs) based on GenBank Release 183.0 are now available from our EST Cluster page (May 3, 2011).

New/refreshed PUT assemblies: View all PUT assemblies on our EST Assembly Data Page.(5-3-2011)
GenBank Release 183 Apr. 28
GenBank Release 183.0 sequence data (close date 4-11-2011) have been downloaded and processed at PlantGDB; new blast indices will be in place by early May. New PUT Assemblies based on Release 183 are also in progress.(4-28-2011)
"All GDB" Table Improved Apr. 20
The "All GDB" page listing genome browsers available at PlantGDB has been expanded to include links to most features and tools available for each genome. (4-20-2011).
SbGDB (Sorghum bicolor) genome update Apr.20
SbGDB (Sorghum bicolor; sorghum), a chromosome-based genome database at PlantGDB, has been updated with new splice-aligned transcripts current as of GenBank Release 181.0. Genome assembly and annotation remain the same. (4-20-2011)
"All Loci/Annotations" Feature Release Apr. 14
The "All Loci/Annotations" page presents an ordered list of published gene loci and their EST/cDNA coverage/quality, together with any community annotations at that locus. Users can search by quality, keyword or region to find loci to re-annotate. (See example for GmGDB.) From the Top Menu choose Genomes → [XxGDB], Left Menu → All Loci/Annotations. Also available are custom "project" filters to facilitate annotation of the most interesting genes. Contact us for more info on adding projects. (4-14-2011).
PeGDB - Prunus (peach) new genome browser Apr. 14
PeGDB, a new genome database for peach (Prunus persica) is now available at PlantGDB (Genomes->Dicots->PeGDB). Based on the JGI draft genome, PeGDB includes 27864 protein-coding loci and 28702 protein-coding transcripts on 202 scaffolds. Other data displayed include splice-aligned cDNAs, EST and PUTs, and splice-aligned related species proteins. (4-14-2011)
CpGDB (Carica papaya) genome update Apr. 14
CpGDB (Carica payaya; papaya), a scaffold-based genome database at PlantGDB, has been updated with new gene model annotations from JGI and new splice-aligned transcripts current as of GenBank Release 181.0. Total of 27,796 transcripts; 27,332 protein-coding loci. Genome assembly remains the same. (4-14-2011)
GmGDB - Glycine max (soybean) genome update Apr. 14
GmGDB, a genome database for soybean (Glycine max) has been updated to display new EST and cDNA alignments (GenBank Release 181). GmGDB is based on the JGI-released draft genome and displays 46,367 protein-coding loci and 55,787 protein-coding transcripts on 20 pseudochromosomes (plus unlinked scaffolds which are concatenated and displayed as "chr21") (4-14-2011)

What's Coming?

Selaginella and Solanum genomes
Two additional genome databases are slated for release soon at PlantGDB:
  • SmGDB :Selaginella moellendorfii (Spike Moss), a scaffold-based genome assembly from JGI
  • SlGDB: Solanum lycopersici (tomato), a scaffold-based genome assembly from solgenomics.net

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