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With the rise of technology, protecting the cyber realm has become an essential part of national security. We depend on an electronic information infrastructure for the essential functioning of our government, military, and economic systems. Cyber security is a complex problem, because it involves a highly dynamic landscape with multiple players, both from the private sector and the national security military sector. Amid this decentralization, one thing is for certain: more innovation and expertise are needed to pursue future solutions. Download the Cyber Security Research brochure.

Why Sandia?

Sandia has an accomplished record of providing innovative, science-based systems engineering solutions to our nation’s most challenging national security problems-many pertaining to protecting information. Through our cyber security research Sandia is able to harness its rich history of providing adversarial threat assessments for U.S. critical systems. Our research brings together Sandia’s expertise in modeling and simulation, in vulnerability analysis of complex systems, and in developing trusted hardware and software solutions for security challenges. In keeping with its core purpose of “exceptional service in the national interest,” Sandia is actively focusing its broad set of capabilities, experience, and partnerships across government, industry, and academia to devise solutions to our nation’s most challenging cyber security issues.

We provide the systems mindset and deep technical capabilities needed to assure critical mission success. Sandia seeks to lead the nation in developing and implementing game-changing cyber security technologies and measures, to be fully engaged in its sponsors’ national cyber missions, and to be recognized as a national resource in helping the nation find effective solutions to cyber challenges.

How is Sandia addressing this problem?

Today the approach to cyber security is broadly acknowledged to be more of an art than a science. As a national security laboratory, Sandia is focused on helping build the science and engineering foundations for cyber security.  Sandia’s cyber security research mission centers around three key areas:  trusted hardware, software and systems; networks and systems architectures and analysis; and effective cyber defense systems.  Each of these areas helps address the cyber security challenges facing our nation and our world. Development and analysis of trusted hardware and software help assure the integrity of our cyber infrastructure. Work in simulation and prototyping of integrated protective systems allows researchers to build and incorporate their understanding of the full cyber threat spectrum. Information operations groups conduct structured red teaming activities and assessments, in order to better understand network vulnerabilities for both foreign and domestic systems. Finally, the development of world-class scalable computational algorithms and analysis helps leverage and integrate existing high-performance computing capabilities.


A Career in Cyber Security Research

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President Obama has identified cyber security as one of the most serious economic and national security challenges that our country faces. We are looking for people who are dedicated to Sandia’s mission to protect our government and our infrastructures.

Sandia has World-changing technologies.
Addressing sophisticated cyber threats demands a multidisciplinary team with a unique mindset

Life-changing CYBER Research careers.
Sandia provides challenging career opportunities for those with a passion to tackle the complexities of protecting critical systems.