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The Gist of MEDLOG Updates

March 12, 2012 posted by Tracy Ellis

Tracy Ellis, director of MC4’s Logistics Management Division since 2009, oversees MC4’s field operations. He’s a retired colonel having served 26 years in the Army and was the former commander of Tobyhanna Army Depot.

MC4 users aren’t strangers to software updates. In order to keep up with the latest and greatest of technology, patches are fielded periodically. Upgrades to the Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support (DMLSS) system will be occurring within six months including a new DMLSS Customer Assistance Module (DCAM) software release. These upgrades will require preparation on the part of the units receiving these upgrades.

There is currently a DMLSS hardware refresh and upgrade underway with the combat support hospital at Dwyer that involves moving from the Unix to a Windows/Oracle operating system. A few new units in theater will also receive DMLSS in the next few months. We are trying to get them up and running before the next DMLSS and DCAM upgrades coming down the pike.

In mid-April, DMLSS 3.1.2 Generation IV will be provided to CONUS-based hospitals. It’s our plan that by the end of June, all the servers worldwide will be up-to-date so everyone is running on the same version of DMLSS. The DMLSS Gen IV includes a PKI certificate validation process that will have no impact for field users. When the upgrades are pushed, users will simply log on to the system, accept to download the current version and continue using the system like they normally would.

There is also a new version of DCAM that is being released in conjunction with the DMLSS Gen IV upgrade. This new DCAM version 1.4.4 is not backward compatible with DCAM 35.2.5 so MC4 is producing a post-deployment systems support (PDSS) release on disk that will be distributed in the June/July timeframe for the information management office, unit level system administrator or sustainment automation support management office (SASMO) personnel to run.

DCAM 1.4.4 will have significant changes to the look and feel of DCAM that will take users some time to get adjusted to. MC4 training materials are being updated to help customers acclimate to these changes. Training is being offered to MC4 support personnel and then to DCAM users to help everyone get up to speed on these changes. DCAM 1.4.4 will also be incorporated into the next MC4 EMR release to reduce the number of times a unit has to manage MC4 updates in theater.

The DMLSS Gen IV and DCAM 1.4.4 updates are occurring at the same time because both will require all systems that connect to it to have .x509 certificate authentication. The challenge for DCAM users is the .x509 certification, which is tied to each computer running the app, so the new DCAM will require all DCAM level II and level I instances to have certificates as well. Each unit is responsible for going through their system administrators/S6 and requesting unique certificates for each computer that will run DCAM 1.4.4.

After the DMLSS Gen IV update is complete, any DCAM customer that connects to a DMLSS server who has not updated to DMLSS 1.4.4 will lose the ability to connect and transfer order files. These DCAM users may have to export and email orders until they receive their DCAM upgrade. Fortunately, anyone who is already setup to export and email orders won’t experience disruption in service.

To help units prepare for these upgrades, we are working with those that actively connect to a DMLSS server first and then will help the remaining units. We will also have our MC4 region support teams and MC4 medical logistics operations team available to help with training and upgrades once the PDSS software is approved and released.

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Taking the Guesswork Out of the Supply Process

July 20, 2011 posted by Rocky Henemyer

Rocky Henemyer, MC4's medical logistics (MEDLOG) guru since 2008, has more than 20 years of MEDLOG experience in the Army. He supports MC4 training and fielding efforts for DCAM and DMLSS.

As the MC4 Medical Logistics team traveled throughout theater working with DCAM users, one of the most common questions we're asked is "what's happening with my order?" When asked, we provide over-the-shoulder training to create an order using the correct Advice and Signal codes. This ensures that users get exactly what they want and that the order is delivered to the right location.

We also show users how to interpret the Status codes. This allows them to reorder cancelled items, and identify when a substitute will be provided or when a requested item is no longer available. These steps give users control over the supply system and allow them to make better-informed decisions.

To help users better understand the codes, MC4 developed a desk-side guide with the most commonly used DCAM codes in theater.

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6 Battle Rhythms to get Medical Supplies on Time

May 31, 2011 posted by Rocky Henemyer

Rocky Henemyer, MC4's medical logistics (MEDLOG) guru since 2008, has more than 20 years of MEDLOG experience in the Army. He supports MC4 training and fielding efforts for DCAM and DMLSS.

When I deployed to Iraq in 2009, units inconsistently received deliveries of critical medical supplies. A unit might receive bandages three days after placing an order, while a separate order might take five days.

When customers place orders after the supplier processes daily requests, orders are not processed until the following day. In turn, supplies arrive later than expected. To help units receive deliveries in a timely manner, MC4 developed six battle rhythms based on the type of unit and systems used.

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