Safe Harbor Guides to Self-Certification

Included below are links to copies of the two Safe Harbor Guides to Self-Certification:

U.S.-EU Safe Harbor Framework: Guide to Self-Certification

U.S.-Swiss Safe Harbor Framework: Guide to Self-Certification

Each Guide provides an Overview, Helpful Hints on Self-Certifying Compliance, the Safe Harbor Privacy Principles and FAQs, Dispute Resolution and Enforcement Options, Sample Privacy Policies, and a Glossary relevant to that Safe Harbor Framework. In addition, each Guide features a copy of the Certification Form used by the Safe Harbor programs.

The U.S.-EU Safe Harbor Framework: Guide to Self-Certification also features a section on the U.S.-EU Safe Harbor Framework certification mark.

The U.S.-Swiss Safe Harbor Framework: Guide to Self-Certification also features a section on the Swiss Economy and Data Protection, which includes an English translation of the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection.

Please note that the majority of the information contained in the respective Guides, which originally appeared in print form, is also available elsewhere on the Safe Harbor website.