Safe Harbor Fees

On December 5, 2008, the U.S. Department of Commerce issued a Federal Register Notice (Vol. 73, No. 235), which described plans to implement a cost recovery program to support the operation of the U.S.-European Union (EU) Safe Harbor Framework. Interested parties could submit their comments on the proposed program by close of business December 16, 2008.

An organization that is self-certifying for the first time on or after March 1, 2009 must remit a one-time processing fee of $200.00.

An organization that has previously self-certified and is due to reaffirm on or after April 1, 2009 must remit an annual processing fee of $100.00 on or before the anniversary of the organization’s original self-certification.

Payment Method:

Fees may be remitted by credit card, corporate check, money order, or certified check.

Credit Card:

Payment by credit card is available online via the Safe Harbor Login/Certification Form link located under “Safe Harbor” on the left navigation bar of the Safe Harbor home page.


Checks must be made out to: U.S. Department of Commerce

Checks must be sent to:

U.S. Department of Commerce
U.S.-EU & Swiss Safe Harbor Frameworks
ATTN: David Ritchie
1401 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
Room 20007
Washington, D.C. 20230

Because of internal mail delivery delays due to security inspections, we strongly advise that applicants submit their checks via a recognized courier service such as Federal Express or UPS.

In addition, we also recommend that an electronic copy of the remittance be sent via e-mail to If your organization is self-certifying for the first time, the subject line must state: Safe Harbor New Certification Fee for [your organization name here]. If your organization is recertifying, the subject line must state: Safe Harbor Recertification Fee for [your organization name here].

These processing fees are used to defray the costs of administering the Safe Harbor program and are not refundable. We will not review an organization’s self-certification submission until we receive confirmation that the relevant processing fee has been remitted. Payment of the relevant processing fee does not guarantee self-certification to Safe Harbor.