Title & AD Listing
Shifting Paradigms and Disruptive Technology

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Open Technology Development: Roadmap Plan
Joint U.S. Defense Science Board, UK Defence Scientific Advisory Council Task Force on Defense Critical Technologies
Recognizing and Understanding Revolutionary Change in Warfare: The Sovereignty of Context
Military Power of the People's Republic of China 2006. Annual Report to Congress
Development of a CMOS Snapshot Active Pixel Sensor for Spaceborne Earth Observation Applications
Off-The-Shelf and Free Software Technologies for Spacecraft Control & Command: An Example, Balloon-Borne Stabilised Gondolas
Very High-Performance Embedded Computing Will Allow Ambitious Space Science Investigation
Will Schedulers be Available on Board in the Next Generation of Robots?
Automatic In-Flight Repair of FPGA Cosmic Ray Damage
Quick Maintenance for High Voltage Equipment with the New Not Toxic Boron Nitride Powder (BN100) Superior Thermal Conductive and Lightweight Filler
Helium High Pressure Tanks at EADS Space Transportation New Technology with Thermoplastic Liner
Potentialities of HTS Superconductor Technology in Telecommunication Satellites
A Novel, Flexible Approach to Packaging Integrated Microsystems for Space Applications
High-Throughput Optical Interconnect Technology for Future On-Board Digital Processors
Low Phase Noise Fiber Optics Links for Space Applications
Deployable Hexapod Using Tape-Springs
Magnetic Actuator in Space and Application for High Precision Formation Flying
Reconfigurable Computing Technology for Image Compression in the BayernSAT Mission
A New Concept of Synthetic Aperture Instrument for High Resolution Earth Observation from High Orbits
Low Noise, Low Power Sensor Interface Circuits for Spectroscopy in Standard CMOS Technology Operating At 4 K
A Single-Chip CDS and 16 Bit ADC CCD Video Processing ASIC
Superconductive Microwave Single-Flux-Quantum Digital Circuits and Corresponding Opto-Electronic Interfaces: On-Going Studies and First Experimental Results
CMOS Active Pixel Sensors: Design For Scientific Applications
Link Budget Analysis for New Satellite Telecommunications Systems: The MALTE Package
New European Apogee Motor -- Advanced Propulsion Technology
Optical Technologies for On-Board Processing of Microwave Signals
Development of a Large-Format Science-Grade CMOS Active Pixel Sensor, for Extreme Ultra Violet Spectroscopy and Imaging in Space Science
Cryogenic and LOX Based Propulsion Systems for Robotic Planetary Missions
The CMOS Breakthrough for Space Optical Detection: Recent Advances and Short Term Perspectives
NbN Josephson and Tunnel Junctions for Space THz Observation and Signal Processing
Validation of a Wireless Optical Layer for On-Board Data Communications
Potential Applications of Micro and Nano Technologies on Space Transportation Systems
Fusion Reactions and Matter-Antimatter Annihilation for Space Propulsion
High Power Electric Propulsion System for NEP (systemes propulsifs electriques de forte puissance pour propulsion nucleo-electrique)
A New Space Robot End-Effector for On-Orbit Reflector Assembly
Technology Disruptions in Future Communication Payloads (Technologies de rupture pour futures charges utiles de telecommunications)
Fuzzy Logic Controller for Small Satellites Navigation
Lessons Learned with the Innovation Triangle Initiative
High-End CMOS Active Pixel Sensors For Space-Borne Imaging Instruments
Development of Fast NbN RSFQ Logic Gates in Sigma-Delta Converters for Space Telecommunications
Internet Switching by Satellite: An Ultra Fast Processor with Radio Burst Switching
Conclusions of ESA 1st Optical Wireless Onboard Communications Workshop: Current Status and the Road Forward
SuperComputers for Space Applications
New Technological Development for Far Infrared Bolometer Arrays
United States Air Force Posture Statement 2005
Weapons: A Report on the Industry
Agribusiness Industry Study Final Report
Multi-Access Laser Terminal Using Liquid Crystal Beam Steering (Preprint)
Department of Defense Logistics Transformation Strategy: Achieving Knowledge-Enabled Logistics
Trust and Influence in the Information Age: Operational Requirements for Network Centric Warfare
Advanced Thermal Management for Military Application
Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Manpower Requirements Analysis
Guided Bullets: A Decade of Enabling Adaptive Materials R&D
Implementing METOC Transformation: Applying Autonomous Agents
Using Commercial Aviation Information Systems in Operational Support Airlift Decision Support Systems
Special Technology Area Review on Spintronics. Report of Department of Defense Advisory Group on Electron Devices Working Group B (Microelectronics)
Manufacturing: A Report on the Industry 2004
Alignment: Discrepancies of Practice and Vision in U.S. Army Staffing
Don't Start the Revolution Without Me: A Review of the Army Transformation
Innovative Vehicle Camouflage
Towards an Analytical Framework for Evaluating the Impact of Technology on Future Contexts
Transformation and Transition: DARPA's Role in Fostering an Emerging Revolution in Military Affairs. Volume 2- Detailed Assessments
Science and Technology Test Mining: Disruptive Technology Roadmaps
High Efficiency, Scalable Parallel Processing
Transformation and Transition: DARPA's Role in Fostering an Emerging Revolution in Military Affairs. Volume 1 - Overall Assessment
Towards a Framework for Understanding Innovation Implementation in the Air Force
Transforming Joint Test and Evaluation Mindsets and Processes: Acquisition II
The System Knowledge Office: A Transformation Enabler: Response to the Chairman's Challenge
The Limits of Transformation: Officer Attitudes Toward the Revolution in Military Affairs
Real-Time Asset Rescheduling With Execution Monitoring and Accurate Asset Tracking
Two Views of the Revolution in Military Affairs
Crossbow Executive Summary
The Revolution in Military Affairs: Mandate for Change or Recipe for Disaster?
Adapting Future Wireless Technologies
CROSSBOW. Volume 1
The Long Search for a Surgical Strike: Precision Munitions and the Revolution in Military Affairs
Targeting of Oncogenic Proteins for Intracellular Degradation
Technology Paradigm Shifts Commercial Survival Lessons
An Examination of the Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM) in the Context of Network-Centric Warfare (NCW): Enormous Potential and Alarming Pitfalls
A Paradigm for the U.S. Army Transformation
Javelin; The Potential Beginning of a New Era in Land Warfare
Digitization and The Commander: Planning and Executing Military Operations
Two-Way Street or Two-Way Mirror? Will Canada's Future Army be able to Interoperate with the United States' Army After Next at the Operational and Tactical Level of War?
Lethal and Non-Lethal Effects: The Need for Reorganization to Harness the Power of the Revolution
War as We Knew It: The Real Revolution in Military Affairs Understanding Paralysis in Military Operations
Rapid-Prototyping of Application Specific Signal Processors (RASSP) Education and Facilitation
Targeting of Oncogenic Proteins for Intracellular Degradation
Structured Managerial Approach to Decision Processes Shaping Information Technology in Non-IT Organizations
Knowledge Warrior for the 21st Century. Catalysts for Cultural Change
Swords into Stilettos: The Battle Between Hedgers and Transformers for the Soul of DoD
An Object-Oriented Repository-Based Software Synthesis System
INTEL XXI and the Maneuver Commander - Redefining Execution of Tactical Military Intelligence Operations
The People's Liberation Army Looks to the Future
A Paradigm for the US Army Transformation
An Assessment of the Impact on the Army's Force XXI Process in Digitizing Aviation Brigade Units.
Targeting of Oncogenic Proteins for Intracellular Degradation (97breast)
The Shifting Paradigm of Post-Cold War Counterintelligence Support to USAF Operations: A Middle Eastern Case Study.
Warfare in the Information Age: Adding Capability Multipliers
The Revolution in Military Affairs: Allied Perspectives
Joint Logistics Command and the Army After Next.
Digital Data Warfare Tools: Should CINCs Have Control
Controller and Communications Middleware Survey and Evaluation.
Avoiding Agincourt - Restructuring Command and Control for the 21st Century
Advanced C4I and Operational Decision Making: Panacea or Pandora's Box?
Joint Expeditionary Forces: A Step Beyond
Campaigning for Change: Organizational Processes, Governmental Politics, and the Revolution in Military Affairs,
Conceptual Design of a Cybernetic Information System for Command and Control
Using Web-Based Technologies for Network Management Tools.
After Recognition Comes Implementation: The Challenges for the Information Age Revolution in Military Affairs.
Miles Wide, Inches Deep: Army Logistics on the 21st Century Battlefield.
A Revolution in Military Engineering.
Information Operations: A Layman's Perspective.
Key Ingredients for Sustained Excellence
Logistics Reform and the Military Strategy of the United States: Will the Revolution in Defense Logistics Support the Revolution in Military Affairs or is it a Cost-Savings Program That May Weaken Our Strategy
Synthetic Acquisition Cycle on the Way,
Integrated Battlefield Management Begins in Space
Night Air Combat. A United States Military-Technical Revolution
Cyberwar and Information Warfare: A Revolution in Military Affairs or Much Ado about Not Too Much?
Thinking About Revolutions in Military Affairs,
Tradeoff Analysis Model for Arsenal Ship Survivability and Sustainability
Brilliant Warrior: Information Technology Integration in Education and Training.
Tomorrow's Air Force
Attacking the Infrastructure: Exploring Potential Uses of Offensive Information Warfare.
Information Warfare: Implications for Forging the Tools.
Unifying' The Military Services - A Joint Challenge.
China and the Revolution in Military Affairs.
Revolution in Military Affairs: Operational Fires on the Future Battlefield.
The Third Wave: What the Tofflers Never Told You
Strategic Forum. Number 72. The Third Wave: What the Tofflers Never Told You,
Toward Assessment of Dominant Battlespace Awareness: A Remote Sensor System Model.
Weapons of Mass Disruption For the Operational Info-Warrior.
Chaos, Complexity, and the Military
Field Artillery, the Ascending Branch of Force XXI.
DecisionNet -- A Prototype Distributed Decision Support System Server.
Employment of Indications and Warning Intelligence Methods to Forecast a Potentially Hostile Revolution in Military Affairs.
A Software Architecture for Dependable and Evolvable Industrial Computing Systems.
The Economics of Commercial-Military Integration and Dual-Use Technology Investments,
The Revolution in Military Affairs and Operational Maneuver from the Sea.
Whither Sovereignty.
Revolutions in Military Affairs, Paradigm Shifts, and Doctrine.
Evolution in Military Affairs.
The Revolution in Military Affairs and the Politics of Innovation in the U.S. Navy.