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National Institute of Justice (NIJ): Research, Development, Evaluation

W.E.B. Du Bois Fellowship Program

The W.E.B. Du Bois Fellowship places particular emphasis on crime, violence and the administration of justice in diverse cultural contexts within the United States. On this page learn:

Objective of the Program

The W.E.B Du Bois Fellowship Program's objective is to provide talented researchers with an opportunity, early in their career, to elevate independently generated research and ideas to the level of national discussion. Although the specific areas of focus vary each year, any research funded under this program should have direct implications for criminal justice policy and practice in the United States.

Award Details and Applying to the Fellowship Program

NIJ typically funds one fellow annually under this program for an amount up to $100,000. 

All awards are subject to the availability of appropriated funds and to any modifications or additional requirements that may be imposed by law.

Fellows may propose to serve a period of the Fellowship in residence at NIJ. However, residency at NIJ is not required.

Candidates for the W.E.B. Du Bois Fellowship must have a terminal degree in any academic discipline and not yet have been awarded tenure. Candidates will follow the same application process as other applicants for NIJ funding and the Du Bois Fellow is expected to meet all reporting requirements as well as deliver a final report.

You are strongly encouraged to carefully read the solicitation to which you are applying as details and requirements may change from year to year.

About W.E.B. Du Bois

W.E.B. Du Bois (1868-1963) was an early leader in the struggle for racial equality in the United States. As a social scientist, Du Bois used objective methods to challenge discriminatory ideologies and institutions to advocate for social change. His classic study "The Philadelphia Negro," published in 1899, was a groundbreaking sociological study of the city's black community, and one of the first research projects to combine urban ethnography, social history, and descriptive statistics.

Past and Present Fellows

Year and Award Number Fellow
(linked to biography if available)
Project Title
(linked to final report if available)
2011-IJ-CX-0004 Ojmarrh Mitchell, University of South Florida Race and Drug Arrests: Specific Deterrence and Collateral Consequences $93,553
2011-IJ-CX-0002 Bianca Bersani, University of Massachusetts, Boston
Stephanie DiPietro, University of Missouri, St. Louis
An Examination of the "Marriage Effect" on Desistance from Crime Among U.S. Immigrants $99,149
2010-IJ-CX-0005 Hung-En Sung, John Jay College of Criminal Justice The Forsaken "Out-Laws": Crime and Justice Among Undocumented Migrant Workers in Palisades Park, New Jersey $99,843
2008-IJ-CX-0003 Chris Gibson, University of Florida
Holly Ventura Miller, University of Texas, San Antonio
Crime and Victimization Among Hispanic Adolescents: A Multilevel Longitudinal Study of Acculturation and Segmented Assimilation $74,934
2007-IJ-CX-0032 Cynthia Lum, George Mason University The Impact of Racial and Ethnic Composition on Police Decision Making Pathways in African, Asian, Hispanic and Immigrant Communities $74,872
2006-IJ-CX-0009 Amy Farrell and Geoff Ward, Northeastern University The Contextual Significance of Courtroom Workgroup Racial Diversity to Crime Case Outcomes $75,523
2005-IJ-CX-0035 Eric Stewart, University of Missouri, St. Louis The Impact of Race, Structure, Discrimination and Culture on Youth Violence: A Multilevel Longitudinal Investigation $75,237
2004-IJ-CX-0043 Johnna Christian, Rutgers University Exploring the Factors Influencing Family Members' Connections to Prisoners $78,767
2003-IJ-CX-1006 Ivory Toldson, Southern University Evaluating the Predictive and Structural Validity of an Actuarial Method for Screening Civil Liabilities Among Police Officer Candidates $74,815
Valli Kalei Kanuha, University of Hawaii Exploring the Construction of Violence Against Women and Children in an Indigenous Cultural Context: Applications of Alternative Justice Strategies in Contemporary Society $76,488
2001-IJ-CX-0012 Ramiro Martinez, Florida International University The Impact of Immigration in Ethnic-Specific Violence: Identifying Individual and Community Characteristics in Miami $61,997
2000-IJ-CX-0032 Becky Tatum, Georgia State University The Role of Social Support on Adolescent Crime: Identifying Race, Class and Gender Variations


Date Modified: May 2, 2012