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Letter 757C Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the letter telling me?

You failed to meet the terms of your established Installment Agreement by making the specified payment amount on the established due date.

What do I have to do?

You may call the toll free number in this letter. The person who answers the phone will assist you.

How much time do I have?

You should contact us or pay your balance due as soon as possible.

What happens if I don't take any action?

Since you failed to meet the terms of the agreement we could proceed to enforce collection action by filing a levy on your bank account or wages or file a lien on your personal property.

Who should I contact?

You should call the phone number provided in the letter as soon as possible.

What if I don't agree or have already taken corrective action?

Call us immediately at the number provided in the letter.

Page Last Reviewed or Updated: 2012-08-03