Community Relations


  8/28/2012 HUFF POST: Marine Corps Commandant Vows To End Sexual Assault In Ranks
  8/28/2012 WASH BLADE: Top Marine: Openly gay servicemembers not an issue
  8/28/2012 AOL DEFENSE: Marines must live with "good enough" as budget shrinks
  8/28/2012 AP: Women slowly advance into Marine combat jobs
  8/28/2012 REUTERS: US Marines remain focused on preventing suicides
  8/28/2012 MARINE TIMES: Commandant Amos ready for women to attend IOC
  8/28/2012 NAT'L DEFENSE: Sequestration dangerous to the Marine Corps
  8/28/2012 STRIPES: NJP no slap on wrist
  8/16/2012 AOL DEFENSE: Marines find pilot error caused MV-22 crash in Morocco
  8/16/2012 REUTERS: Osprey flights over Japan to be minimized
  8/15/2012 WASHINGTON TIMES: General reassures Marines after Afghan attacks
  8/13/2012 CIVIL BEAT: Pacific Marines head into frugality and austerity
  8/9/2012 THE AUSTRALIAN: Amos says Marines in Australia not sabre rattling
  8/9/2012 Nine News: US denies sabre rattling in region
  8/7/2012 FOX NEWS: 70 years later WWII vet recalls Guadalcanal campaign
  8/6/2012 CIVIL BEAT: The Rising East - Disaster Relief an Integral Mission
  7/26/2012 USA Today: Marine general expects rolling transition in Afghanistan
  7/9/2012 NY Times: A Grueling Course for Training Marine Officers Will Open Its Doors to Women
  6/19/2012 NC Times: Marines get lesson in avoiding ethical lapses
  6/14/2012 WATCH: Gen Amos' interview with Colby Colb of Cleveland's Z107.9
  6/14/2012 CPD: Marine Commandant Gen. James Amos meets youths during visit to Marine Week Cleveland
  5/23/2012 The Hill: For our wounded vets, every day is Memorial Day
  4/27/2012 At Parris Island, Basic Training Pulls Lessons From Marines’ Real-World Lapses
  4/25/2012 NY Times: Marines Moving Women Toward the Front Lines
  4/24/2012 NPR: Military Wages Battle Against Misconduct
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