Fighting Crime and Protecting Our Communities

Since coming to Congress, I have made fighting crime in our communities and the state of Wisconsin a top priority.That is why I have been a long-time proponent of crime prevention and anti-gang programs, and have consistently worked to increase funding for state and local law enforcement officials and address the problem of juvenile offenders. Programs such as the Edward J. Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant and the Community Oriented Policing Service (COPS) Programs provide critical funding for state and local law enforcement efforts to reduce crime and keep our communities in Wisconsin safe.

In addition, with the threat of terrorism, it is essential our communities have the resources to adequately train and equip first responders. I have made it a priority to work in a bipartisan way to ensure that our military gets the resources it needs to fight terrorism abroad, as well as ensure that our front lines of first responders -- firemen, health professionals, and police -- get the funds they need to keep us safe at home.

In recent years, I have:

  • Helped to create the Title V program to provide federal funds to local communities to prevent juvenile crimes.
  • Helped to establish federal funding for the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area program, which combines the efforts of local law enforcement with state and federal agencies to identify and assess regional drug threats and areas with high drug activities.
  • Directed federal resources to the Assistance to Firefighters Program, also known as the FIRE Act grant program, to ensure our local firefighters receive adequate training and equipment to save lives and provide medical attention if needed.