Democratic Caucus Activities Report


Republicans and Democrats have different views on how to get our fiscal house in order. Republicans are continuing to pursue legislation that protects the very wealthy and special interests at the expense of everyone else. This approach is evident in the House-passed fiscal year 2013 budget resolution, which ends the Medicare guarantee and cuts investments that make the country stronger, while extending massive tax breaks for big corporations and the wealthiest Americans. The Republican approach of looking for deficit reduction only through spending cuts is also evident in the “Sequester Replacement Reconciliation Act of 2012,” which protects tax breaks for millionaires but slashes health care for kids, food and nutrition assistance for struggling families, and vital safety net programs.

In contrast, Democrats support a balanced approach to addressing the nation’s deficit and debt burden, one that builds on the $1 trillion of spending cuts enacted last year but also cuts wasteful tax subsidies and asks millionaires to share responsibility in reducing the deficit. In the second session of the 112th Congress, Budget Committee Democrats offered proposals reflecting these priorities as alternatives and amendments to Republican budget legislation. In addition, the Democratic Caucus of the Budget Committee published a variety of materials that highlight concerns with the Republican legislation and that explain the Democratic approach and proposals.